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(Y/N)'s p.o.v

Rob's headache had gotten worse within a few hours, so I decided to stay with him for the night, and try to get him to relax.

"Maybe it's all of those battles, you and Gumball have? I can see how that'd put a lot of stress on you." I said, leaning back against the couch, sitting on the floor.

"I don't know, I usually enjoy our fights. The headache just came out of nowhere." Rob stated, making me nod, and hum in thought. "Maybe I'm just sick." He continued, to which I agreed on, shrugging my shoulders. "Can't think of anything else." I said, looking out the doorway to see the moon high in the darkened sky. "I think we should sleep." I said, walking over and sitting on the floor again, my eyes fluttering shut as I drifted off.

Rob's p.o.v

I sighed as I watched (Y/N) drift off, my headache wouldn't let up, but I was able to fall asleep just fine.

🌑Dream Start🌑

It was dark, but I could see that there was a thick fog, covering the ground like a blanket. It was cold, freezing almost, but it was just warm enough to the point where I wouldn't shake. There was an eerie silence, I couldn't even hear my own breath, or footsteps. As I walked further out, my vision began to distort, the fog cutting in and out.

Familiar images began to flicker in my mind, and I shook my head, trying to push the images to the back of my mind. I suddenly got a really sharp pain in my head, and I tightly shut my eye, grabbing at the sides of my head. I heard a very loud ringing, which faded out, along with the sharp pain. When I opened my eye, I gasped, and took a couple steps back in shock. The familiar sight of static surrounded me, and different chunks from reality were floating around. I began hyperventilating, as I hugged myself tightly. 'Not this place again, I thought it was over, I thought I had a purpose!' I thought to myself, looking down at my feet. I felt hot tears run down my face, as I began to break down. 'I...I thought I belonged.'

🌑Dream End🌑

I gasped as I sat up quickly, looking around to see that I was still in my shack. It was... just a nightmare.

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I jumped in shock, as I felt Rob jolt up with a gasp. I quickly turned around to see Rob taking deep breaths, and looking around the shack. He looked like he'd been crying, and I felt my heart hurt a bit at the sight. I didn't need to ask what happened, it's easy to see that he had a nightmare. I gently wrapped my arms around him in a hug, and we stayed like that until he had calmed down. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked, letting go of him. There was a long pause, before he shook his head, and sighed. "No, no it's not that important, it's just a nightmare." He stated, lying back down. I frowned, and hummed at that answer. It's never good to keep stuff like that to yourself, but I wasn't one to push. I just sighed, and went back to my original position on the floor against the couch.

Before I went to sleep, I grabbed Rob's hand and squeezed it gently, assuring him that I was gonna be there if he had a nightmare again. I tried to go to sleep again, but I had already woken up, and it's hard to go to sleep after that. So I just kind of sat there, waiting for the sun to rise. As I sat there, I began to think of certain things that had been on the back burner for a while. 'What is (P/G)'s night job? They work at an office during the day, but at night..?' I shook the thought out of my head. (P/G) is a normal person, that does normal things, what could be so weird about a night job? Despite me shooting down the question, it kept swarming around in my mind. They never told me, but I never asked. But I shouldn't need to ask, I live with them!

When daylight came, and Rob woke up, we said our goodbyes and I went home, my sleep schedule now being botched. As I walked inside my house, I saw (P/G) holding a box of items, walking towards the basements steps. When they noticed me, they paused and adjusted the box in their arms.

"I cleaned your room for you.", "I thought I already cl- Okay..." I cut myself off, watching as they went downstairs. I walked up to my room, only to see that everything was the same as it was, before I left the house. I didn't think much of it, because I probably just had some snack wrappers lying around that they picked up. Something felt like it was missing, but I wasn't too sure what it was.

"I showed my friend the new wattpad logo, and they are not okay with it either. Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good about this chapter,yeah? Also, here's a canon for (Y/N)

(Y/N) is the type of person who can weaponize sandals."

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