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Info: (F/F) = Favourite Food.

"Red Screen."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

When we got to Robs place, there was a lot of materials to work with, wood, metal scraps, all the necessities were here! So I immediately got to work, starting on the frame, and supporting of the house. I grabbed ahold of one corner of the frame, and gently shook it to check its stability, to which it was firmly held to the ground and barely wiggled. I put the hammer in my back pocket, and began to climb up the frame, balancing atop of the one wooden board. From then on, Rob was passing up planks of wood that he was going back and fourth to get, Occasionally tensing up, and blue screening whenever I would almost lose balance.

"Be careful!" Rob exclaimed as I walked over to the edge, getting ready to jump down from the roof of the medium sized shack. When I jumped off, I expected to land on my feet, like the gym teacher extensively trained me to do, but that didn't happen, I didn't quite hit the ground, I was caught.

I froze, caught? Why? I would've been fine! I felt Rob hug me tighter, shaking just the slightest, I looked up at Rob to see the static was replaced with a Red error screen this time, instead of blue, and his pupil shrunk. I knew he wasn't okay, so I returned the hug, occasionally rubbing and patting his back for comfort. Eventually he calmed down, the red screen fading back into normal static, and his grip on me loosening. "You scared me." He mumbled, pulling back from the hug.

"Sorry, I thought you were okay with me doing that." I said awkwardly, we both laughed nervously, and I turned around, grabbing a large sheet of metal to set atop the roof, I climbed back up the frame again, and began attaching the sheet of metal to the wood supports. With Rob helpline out, this project got a lot more progress in, the walls were put up, the roof was covered, and the last thing we did was putting in a tattered, green couch. I heard my spine pop as I stretched my limbs out, and sighed in relief, sitting down on the couch with Rob. "How's it look to you?" I asked, turning to look at Rob, and trying to stay awake so that I could go home and come back to finish the project. "It's a lot better than when I tried to do it alone.", "Well, we're halfway there! But now I need to get home, (P/G) will be home soon, and as far as they know, i'm sick." I said, standing back up, and packing up my tools. "Oh, o-okay." Rob stuttered, making me chuckle. 'Cute.' I thought to myself for the second time, firmly hanging onto the handle of the box. I waved good bye, before turning and leaving for my house, it seemed like Rob wanted to say something, but couldn't find his voice. If he wanted to say something, then he needs to sum up the courage and do it on his own volition.

As I lied down on my bed, I felt the pain that I dreaded the entire day, from slouching, and bending my spine so much all day, lying down had straightened it out, and relieved stress, which was painful. I groaned, and stretched out, grabbing my pillows and holding onto them as if they were a person. Just then my bedroom door opened.

"Hey sweetie, I heard you had to leave school early." (P/G) said, walking in, and sitting on the bed by my legs, I nodded gently. "Are you feeling better?" They asked, going to feel my forehead. "I feel better now, (P/G)." I said with a soft smile, sitting up and hugging them, (P/G) returning the gesture. "I'll order (F/F), sound good?" They asked, making me smile at the thought, I nodded and stood up to go to the living room so I could wait to hear the doorbell. I always loved when (P/G) had the night shift off, it would always be so fun compared to those short moments in between work, they'd always have something planned, like an outing to the mall, or a movie night.

"Sorry, got carried away with the ending."

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