Behind The scenes #3

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Inspiration for the line "I'm just a kid."

(Y/N) and Rob's ship name: Null and Void.

Inspiration for the beginning of -28-: "The Ex."

[Aggretsuko: Season 1, Episode 2, "A Good Hard-Working Girl."]

Inspiration for (Y/N) counting to calm down in -40- "Emotional

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Inspiration for (Y/N) counting to calm down in -40- "Emotional."

[Aggretsuko: Season 1, Episode 10, "The Dream Ends."]

Inspiration for the ending scene in -40- "It's Okay

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Inspiration for the ending scene in -40- "It's Okay."

[Bee And Puppycat OST: Blue Hour.]

Deleted Plots:

MJ: Rob and (Y/N) both get stuck in the Void, after deleting (P/G).

MN: (P/G) is replaced by (Y/N)'s new Mom, who they wake up in the middle of the night in fear of it being (P/G) again. In a cute moment, (Y/N) sleeps beside their mom for the rest of the night.

MJ: With one slip up, Rob accidentally mentioned him and (Y/N) being in a relationship, despite not actually dating. The both of them are sat at a table in the food court at the mall with Gumball, Penny, Rachael, and Darwin, where Rachael mentions how happy she is that (Y/N) and Rob became a thing. (Y/N) is shocked by this statement, and in a concealed fit of emotional turmoil, they leave the mall.

MJ: In another trip to the void, (Y/N) meets someone they never thought they'd see again: (Y/N)'s dad. In an attempt to bring him back, (Y/N) learns the harsh way that their dad had deliberately left, and didn't want to leave. This causes (Y/N) to keep herself in the void to try and figure out what happened to make their dad leave in the first place, the answer being, well... their dad didn't want a family.

MN?: (Y/N) learns of a rare event that occurs in the void. A black hole will appear to clean up as much clutter as possible, before disappearing again. Once again, (Y/N) learned this the harsh way, and nearly loses their life to such an occurrence.

MJ: (Y/N) and Rob create a club, well mostly Rob, in order to belong in the school. (Y/N) thinks it's just an ordinary club for misfits and loners, but they're very oblivious to the real intentions behind it. Rob was trying to create a sort of army against Gumball and Darwin, and once (Y/N) finds out about this, they immediately switch sides and go against Rob.

MJ: (P/G), right after the keyboard is crushed, reveals themselves to be a shapeshifting Void Demon posing as (P/G). In a fit of burning white rage, the demon somehow summons the previously mentioned black hole, which Rob gets caught up in, making (Y/N) go after him. This event brings them to the Border Box, where they Uh... sort of... uh die I guess? They just get reformed, with a new design and stuff.

Art for part: -48- "Delete Them."
Warnings: Blood/Gore/General Graphic content.

When drawing this picture, I decided to take the opportunity, and test out another artists style

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When drawing this picture, I decided to take the opportunity, and test out another artists style. This artist name is: Lovely Lauren, and I adore their art.

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