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"Bad Day."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I stayed silent as I stood in the doorway of my house, I didn't want to say anything, there was nothing to say. Today was awful, I didn't want to even think about it, but it's not just something I can avoid altogether. I slammed the front door shut, slipping my (F/C) raincoat off, and dashing up to my room.

Crashing down on my bed; I stuffed my face in my pillow, staining it with tears. It was mainly tears of physical pain, but there was emotional pain somewhere in there. I let out a shaky breath as I looked at myself in the mirror across the room, a huge red scar ran across my face diagonally, it would leave a huge bruise, but it won't bleed, which I'm fine with, but I was genuinely and drastically upset about the whites of my right eye being red now. As I examined the injury, I began to reflect on the day itself, the sound of rain comforting me as I did so.


I sighed as I stared at the crosswalk light, waiting for it to turn green so I could cross the street. Holding both an umbrella, and two plastic bags in one hand, all the while spamming the button to make the light change faster. I smiled as the light turned green, and went to cross the street, until a really strong gust of wind blew my umbrella back, turning it inside out. 'I can salvage this!' I thought to myself, holding on tightly to the umbrella, until it eventually slipped from my hands and blew away with the wind. I yelped as I held on tightly to the plastic bags, and held them to my chest. There were blankets in said bags, blankets that I could finally convince (P/G) to give up, and I'm actually gonna give these to Rob, because he only has a couch, and not much else in that shack of his.

I groaned, as the light had turned red during my struggle with the umbrella, and I began spamming the button again. Fortunately, it didn't take long for it to turn green again, and I quickly made my way across the street before it could switch on me once more. I sighed as my hair got soaked from the rain, while I did love the rain, I didn't really wanna get a cold today. I picked up the pace as a streak of bright lightning flashed across the sky, a loud boom of thunder following two second after. I accidentally tripped on a crack in the sidewalk, and tried to catch myself, only to fall on my back. I gasped as the plastic bags flew up in the air, and nearly landed in a mud puddle, until I scrambled and caught them in my arms. There was mud, and scratches all over me, which added to my frustrations, but it's only temporary, and I'll get over it when I see Rob.

My face heated up when I thought about him, though the cold air around me made it hard to notice. He was just so sweet, and so far, the most normal person I've ever been friends with! He didn't ever push me to talk about my life, he minds his own business, I can respect that in a person. I pushed my thoughts out of the way, so I could concentrate on not tripping and falling again. I decided to stop for a moment, and rest by a tree, it was something that me and (P/G) would do during the summer, when the heat became too much for us walking home. During fall, the trees would usually serve as a temporary cover, so I could attempt to dry off before going in someone's house. I let the bags hang on my forearms as I rung out my hair, which was now a darker shade of (H/C) because of the rain. I heard a cracking noise, but I thought nothing of it, considering that it was pretty loud outside, I was probably just hearing things.

Then the cracking got louder, and I heard a loud 'SNAP!'. I looked up in the direction of the noise, and my eyes widened as a large portion of the tree came crashing down, I jumped out of the way, but that didn't stop me from getting injured, a branch had whipped me in the face, and I dropped the bags to touch the injury. I fell to my knees, as my fingers grazed themselves against the scratched skin, both burning and stinging at the same time. My eyes were shut in pain, as small tears began to mix with the rain water, and run down my cheeks. I opened my eyes, looking at my wavering reflection in a small puddle forming in the cracks of the sidewalk. There was a bright red gash going across my face, and it seemed like a blood vessel in my eye had... popped. I shuddered, and looked away from my reflection. I didn't want to see that right now, so I just stood up, and looked at the cause of my injury with a dull expression on my face. Tears continued to fall as bad thoughts swarmed through my head.

'That's gonna be with me forever.'
'People are gonna see this and start talking about me.'
'As if I wasn't insecure ENOUGH!'
As my thoughts continued, my face had contorted into a scowl, and I got more and more frustrated, to the point where I would actually consider myself mad. I clenched my fists as I tried to calm down, letting out a quiet sob ever 2 seconds. 'This is stupid, I shouldn't be so upset, how temperamental can I be? How do people put up with my bull-?'

"(Y/N)! Oh my gosh, are you okay!?" I knew that voice, and that was the last voice I wanted to hear at the very moment. It was Rob, and I didn't bother to turn around and face him, nor talk, because I know I would just have a full on breakdown in the middle of the storm. "(Y/N).?" Robs voice had become softer, and more worrying, but I didn't budge. When I felt him grab my shoulder, I flinched, and stepped forward away from his grasp. "Don't- Don't touch me right now.." I mumbled, hugging myself. "(Y/N), I just want to see if you're oka-.", "Don't look at me!" I shouted over the rain, covering my face, as I saw Rob walk around to be in front of me. I noticed between the gaps of my fingers that Rob had flinched back a bit, bluescreening for a split second. He had a shocked look on his face, and my eyes widened at what I just did, I literally just snapped at my best friend.. sure I'd usually poke fun at him, or get mad, but it was all fun and games in the end. 'Oh no.. you messed up..' my thoughts echoed throughout my head. "I-i didn't.. shoot, I'm sor- I didn't mean to-." I began stuttering out fractions of a sentence, before my mind just shut down, and I ran all the way back home, leaving the bags behind as my head focused on the thought of getting home and hiding away. 'I'll hide away forever, and (P/G) can't stop me, not with MY social problems.' I thought to myself, playfully joking at the end in an attempt to cheer myself up, but none of that worked as tears still flowed down my cheeks, actually beginning to sting.

⏭Flash forward

My tears had dried at this point, and I was emotionally exhausted, but I couldn't sleep. I sat up, and stood up to go get something to heal my scar, until my foot accidentally kicked something, and I jumped back out of shock, I thought my room was clean. Looking down at what I had kicked, my dull expression slightly brightened, as I picked up the object. It was the keyboard that the mysterious man gave me...

I might as well put it to use...


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