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"I'll Help!"

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I hid the laptop under the couch, because I was too lazy to bring it back upstairs, and (P/G) usually stores their electronics under there as well.

"So, my laptop's fried, what else do you wanna do?" I asked, swirling the soda in it's can, I can hear the fizz, and the can isn't even close to my face. "Maybe we can go to your place?" I asked, looking at Rob, but he was looking away from me, in an almost ashamed manner. "Rob?" He mumbled something under his breath, but it was so quiet that I couldn't make out what he said. "I-I'm Sorry, I didn't catch that." I said, nervously. He mumbled the sentence a bit louder, but all I could make out was the word 'don't.' "Uh, Rob, if you're trying to tell me something, then you need to speak-."

"I don't have a home, okay!?" Rob shouted in a sudden burst of anger and a bit of sadness, his body violently glitching out, causing me to jump in shock, and my eyes to widen. I've never seen such emotion in someone else's eyes besides (P/G), But coming from Rob, it had caught me off guard. I was speechless, he doesn't have a home? Then.. where does he go? "Well, where.. where do you go?" I vocalized my concern, with him being a nemesis to Gumball now, he has to have SOMEWHERE to go. "Well, I've begun building a shack with supplies from the junkyard, but it's not very well built." He said, shrugging his shoulders, I hummed for a second before snapping my fingers, a eureka moment hitting me. "Hey, I could help you build it!" I said, running over to the supplies closet under the stairs to grab a red toolbox. "How could you help to build it?" Rob asked curiously, standing up and turning to face me. I rolled my eyes with a smile, holding up the toolbox proudly. "Pfft, If I can fix my fence under a Day, then I can build a shack, or at the very least, stabilize it."

Rob had a look of shock and disbelief on his face, I shook the toolbox gently. "So? What do ya say?" I asked, a kind smile spreading across my face, at least I think it was kind. There was a moment of silence, making my smile falter before Rob himself grew a smile. "Alright, But be prepared for a long walk, it's a long way from here.", "oh please, I've been through oil spills on my walks, this'll be a breeze." I said, rolling my eyes again, but Rob seemed a bit confused at the whole 'Oil Spill.' Part. "An oil spill?" He asked, like he was being pressured into talking. "Yeah, that was the day that Gumball and Darwin helped you become a good enemy." There was a moment of silence before Rob spoke. "...oh." He said, I raised an eyebrow, a thought coming to mind that I had to ask. "Did you have something to do with it?" I asked, placing both hands on my hips. Rob began stuttering, the static parts of his face switching from normal static, to a blue screen, to Colour bars, and then back to static. "Uhm.. I.. y-yeah.. yeah, I'm the one who spilt the oil on the road." He said, looking down at his feet, embarrassed.

I wasn't too mad about that day anymore, because it was a couple days ago, so I pat Rob on the back, smiling. I had a feeling that the oil spill was meant for Gumball and Darwin, not me, so it was an accident. "It's okay, buddy, it was an accident, you probably meant well." I said, wrapping my arm around his shoulder, in a reassuring side hug. He lifted his head up, and face the that lopsided smile that I always liked. "Alright, pal, lead the way." I said, and with that we began to walk up the street towards Robs place.

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