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"Delete Them."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

By some miracle, I had managed to free my arms and legs, but it was at a price. A sickening 'Snap!' Echoed through the air as my right arm went limp, and I yelped in pain, trying not to shout out loudly. I scrambled to stand up, but as soon as I did, I was picked up by my throat, and dangled over the edge of the platform. I let go of my arm, and grabbed at (P/G)'s wrist, trying to pry it off of me. Their grip only tightened, and my head felt like it was splitting. My nose began bleeding as my eyes rolled to the back of my head, whatever oxygen I could gain was savored for at least 3 seconds. I closed my eyes as I felt myself drifting off.

"I-I'm just a-a k-kid..." I rasped out, clinging onto the consciousness that stayed with me throughout this whole thing. (P/G)'s grip loosened, opening the floodgates for air, but I knew why they loosened their grip, as I was falling into the abyss of white light. Tears fell from my eyes, as I let my body relax, this ended as badly as I thought it would. I saw them lean over the edge, and look down at me with cold eyes.

"You're a mistake." They said, before turning around and disappearing from my vision.

I gasped in shock as I was abruptly pulled by the back of my shirt, forcing the collar against my throat, choking me out. I was pulled up on to a platform that had soft grass on it, though the grass looked dead. I took shallow breaths as I stared up into the static of the void. Dark green, and black dots scattered my eyesight as I tried blinking them away. My breathing pattern became even, and I sat up with some difficulty, as I was trying to avoid using my broken arm. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders in a comforting manner, causing me to look to my left. It was Rob Comforting me, with a sad and panicked look on his face. I let out a deep sigh of relief, and chuckled, only to come full circle and start crying. The physical pain, and emotional anguish had finally gotten to me, and all at once. I covered my mouth, and closed my eyes tightly, looking down at my lap as I did so. (P/G) was behind all of this... and now there's nothing I can do to stop them. What am I supposed to do with a broken arm, I'm practically useless! I went back and fourth from calming myself down, and crying again.

Eventually my body found a middle ground, and tears slipped down my cheeks as I looked up at where I had fallen with a calm, almost emotionless expression. I gently took Rob's arm off of my shoulders, and stood up, my legs shaky as I did so. I let my broken arm lay flat at my side, my other arm assisting me with standing up. There was a bitter silence around the both of us, I could tell Rob had many questions, and I could tell that each one was about my injuries. Though he didn't ask any questions, which may be good for the both of us, as I'm not in much of a good place. "We don't belong here." I suddenly stated calmly, my hand balling into a fist as I continued to glare in the direction of where (P/G) would be, if they haven't left.

"Wha-?", "we're not mistakes, we don't belong here." I cut him off, my tears becoming ones of frustration, rather than sadness. "Well, that's a good joke, it's been a while since I've heard your humour, (Y/N)!" I heard (P/G) shout gleefully, approaching us via keyboard teleportation. "Mistakes sent to the void are meant to stay in the void, if one were to escape then the world would be off balance." They stated in a factual tone, their eyes closed gently as they stood in front of both Rob and I. I stepped forward in front of Rob, an angry and bitter look on my face as I clenched my fist tighter, knuckles turning white. Growled as (P/G) and I began circling each other, waiting for when the other would attack. "If mistakes are meant to stay in the void then why are you out there?!" I shouted, shoving (P/G) back, as they had gotten too close. "Wow, a lot of bite for a kid your size, I'm impressed." They mocked, quickly reaching out and snatching my broken arm, slowly twisting it. I let out a groan of agony as I felt the stress begin to worsen the wound I sustained. I tore myself away from them, and swung my fist, hitting them square in the face. They tumbled back, and rubbed their soon to be bruise, glaring daggers at me. I didn't give them any time to react, as I lunged at them and grabbed my keyboard, trying to take away the said object. Suddenly, Rob got in between the both of us, grabbing the keyboard, and pushing (P/G) away, causing the strap to tear. The force caused the both of us to stumble back.

"Rob, press delete!" I called out as (P/G) punched me in the back of the head, sending me forward a couple of steps, and nearly falling down. "But that'll also delete y-!", "I'll be fine, just do it!" I commanded, desperation thinly veiling my voice.

"Oh, I'm so worried, will (Y/N) be deleted from existence? Or will I write some sort of miracle to save them?"

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