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(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I jumped in shock at the sound of the bell, signaling that it was lunch time. I had previously been fading in and out of sleep for the past thirty minutes. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and looked around to see that Rob had left. I sighed and pushed my chair back, my stomach growling at the thought of food. I stood up, and made my way through the halls in the direction of the cafeteria.

"Heya Homeschool." Rock said, handing me my tray of food. Pushing the nickname aside, I greeted him back. "Hey rockstar." I said, giving finger guns. Rocky laughed, and waved as I walked to an empty table. As I sat down, I took a look at my tray to see what was being served, weather it's leftovers or not. I was satisfied with what was on my tray: Pepperoni pizza, a side of fries, and chocolate milk. I opened the milk carton, and took a bite of my pizza. Looking around at the other full tables; I wondered which table I would fit in the most with. 'The nerds? No, those two eggheads drool at the mere thought of a girl talking to them.' I thought to myself, looking at the table full of the school nerds, though Bobert seemed cool enough on his own.

'The goths? Uh, isn't that just Carrie? She's a bit too cynical for me.' I thought, looking at Carrie talking to Tobias, seeming to be turning him down after a terrible pick up line. 'What about the preps? Wait, is that Penny? She's changed a lot since I've left! In a good way! Though.. I don't think I'd fit in well at that table, I don't cheerlead, or do the fun things that they do.' I sighed, putting the leftover crust of my pizza on the tray, and taking a drink of my milk. 'What about- ? No,no,no! I don't even have the guts to get myself into detention.'

"(Y/N)! Hey! Come sit with us!" Rachael's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, I looked back at the prep table to see Rachael waving at me. 'Huh, I didn't even see her..' I thought, disappointed in myself for not noticing, Had I seen her I would've made the decision faster. I stood up with my tray, and walked over to their table, sitting next to Rachael as she gave me a kind smile. "Why were you sitting by yourself?", "I-I wasn't really comfortable sitting with anybody today." I said, shrugging my shoulders. 'Sometimes I WANT to be alone..' my thoughts said at the same time, making my expression neutral.

"Well, there's no need to feel uncomfortable around us, (Y/N)!" Penny said happily, with a closed eyes smile. I smiled back, as to not make things awkward. After Penny's statement, the rest of the girls talked about different subjects; things going on in their life, homework, plans for the weekend. While all this was happening, I noticed that the empty table I sat at earlier, was occupied by one person, of course it's Rob. "Uh, I'm gonna go dump my tray, I'll.. I'll be back." I excused myself, standing up and walking over to the trash can and dumping it, before handing the now empty tray to Rocky, who takes up a majority of the jobs in this school. When I went to walk back to the girls, I took a left turn, and sat down across from Rob. "Heya, pal." I greeted, giving a small wave.

For about a second and a half, he looked pretty sad, before looking up, confused. "(Y/N)?", "Well Yeah, who else would it be?" I asked nervously, chuckling at the end, which earned me a small smile that seemed nearly contagious. "So, why're you sitting here? Don't you know practically everyone in this school?" Rob questioned, resting his head on one hand and gesturing to everyone else with the other. "Yeah, well..." out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rachael subtly gesturing to me, and talking to the other girls, giggling at the end. 'They're talking about me!' My anxiety screamed at me, making me a lot more nervous than I should be. "I.... I don't really fit in to any group here." I stated, looking down at the table, the feeling of being talked about crawled up my spine and lodged into my brain, causing me to frown.

'What're they saying? They won't tell me if I ask, and I'll sound rude.' I argued with myself. "Well, we can make our own group!" Rob said, interrupting my nerve induced train of thought. "Our own group, how?", "freedom of assembly, we can make our own group, and no one would be able to stop us!" Rob said enthusiastically, his smile widening. His smile was definitely contagious, but something tells me there's more behind it.

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