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"No Way."

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I had just gotten a little cold, but it was nothing that some meds couldn't fix. Around this time, people would be practically having panic attacks trying to get their kids school supplies, but not (P/G) and I. Spinning around on my swivel chair, I watched my laptop as my assignments were being turned in for the day. My phone rang, and I picked it up mid spin, answering it despite being a bit too dizzy to be doing much at the moment. "Helloo~?" I asked, slowly coming to a stop, and leaning back on the chair.

"Hey (Y/N).", "Hey, Rob! You going back to school?" I asked, seeing as how he doesn't actually go to any of the classes. "Yeah, wherever my nemesis goes, I kinda follow, y'know?" He said, but by his tone I could tell he was shrugging. "You're never gonna let that down." I said with a sigh, closing my eyes. "Of course not!" He scoffed, causing me to laugh. However, when I was laughing, I put too much pressure on the back of my swivel chair, and fell over, letting out a huff. "(Y/N)? You there?", "I'm okay!" I said, standing up, and grabbing my phone. "You didn't sound okay." He stated worriedly, causing me to chuckle. "I'm fine, why do you worry so much?" I asked him, my face turning serious when I didn't get an answer. "Like, seriously." I said, giving off a fake laugh at the end to offset the tension.

"O-oh! Well, what-t else do friends do?" He stuttered out. I just hummed, knowing that he was trying to dodge the subject, but I just sighed and brushed it off. "Fair enough... I need to go, see ya later." I said, earning the same response from Rob. After hanging up, I went over to my bed and lied down, rolling over onto my stomach. 'Does he like me back..?'
"nnNOO!" I shouted in response, shoving my face into the comforter. "That's impossible." I stated, playing dead at this point. 'Not impossible... but...' my mind was going at war, trying to come up with a reason that anybody would like me. "There's a chance..." I trailed off, lifting my face off of the bed and sitting up.

Rob's p.o.v

I sighed as I put down my phone, leaning on the side of my couch, thinking. (Y/N) sounded disappointed with my answer, they probably knew I was dodging, but what should I tell them? They wouldn't understand how I feel about them, but there is that small chance... "no! No, no no no way!" I exclaimed, shaking my head. There's absolutely no possible way they'd ever feel the same way, but there's always that slim chance...

I kept going back and fourth in my head about the possibility, maybe it's possible...

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I just grimaced and flopped back down on my bed, how would I even go about bringing it up?! It's not typical something to bring up casually in conversation! Or... is it? "Yeah, Yeah..!" I said aloud, agreeing with where my mind was going with this. If I just bring it up casually, then it'll hurt less if I'm rejected! Kinda like a mental block, block the sadness, at least until I can find a place to hide and cry. It'll be a bit easier if I bring my (Comfort Object) along with me, seeing as how it's helped me out in nerve wracking situations when I needed it.

"I BROUGHT FOOD!", "AAAAHHH-!" I screamed, falling off of my bed. (P/G) had bursted in with a bag of food from Joyful Burger. "Sorry, were you doing something?" They apologized, kneeling down beside me, and handing me my food. "Uhm.. kinda?" I said, my tone escalating into more of a question. (P/G) gave me a look before sighing, and sitting Criss cross in front of me. "What's it about?" They asked, eyes burning into my soul.
I sighed, and went on to explain my predicament, even explaining how I was gonna go about it, though I never gave out an actual name.

"WHAAT!?" I swore the house was shaken with (P/G)'s booming voice, and they stood up in a protective stance. "C-calm down, you know him, (P/G)!" I exclaimed, holding onto their leg as they tried to leave my room. "I do?", "it's Rob!" I exclaimed, my cheeks flaring up after. There was a moment of silence, and the tense air became.. less tense? "I knew iiit~!" (P/G) said teasingly, ruffling my hair, causing my eyebrows to furrow in annoyance, since I took time to brush it this morning. "So, should I do it?" I asked after a few seconds of silence, looking off to the side. "Do what?" (P/G) asked, somehow forgetting the conversation a few seconds ago. "My plan! Casual confession, yknow!?" I said, frustration coursing through my voice. "Oooh! Oh yeah, right, go for it! Now get off my leg." They said, tone turning flat towards the end as they shook me off of their leg.

"Cause y'all have been some freakin chronic readers, imma hit you up with a YouTube link, of a video that somebody on this platform made.

https://youtu.be/iuLYm6Zw9-E ."

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