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"Cate." Brendon woke me up my jumping in my bed next to me, already dressed. He had been overly hyper with Christmas being in a week.

"What." I pulled my blanket over my head, and waited for a response.

"Get up were going to get breakfast."

"Who's we?" I questioned, sitting up.

"Just me and you." I nodded, and shooed him out so I could get dressed.

I put on black skinny jeans and a red champion pullover. I threw my pajamas in the dirty laundry basket. I opened my bedroom window, and it was still dark.

Not impressed.

I grabbed black beanie, and pulled it over my straightened hair, Sarah had done it last night while I talked about random things. I grabbed my phone and took a glance at my room.

"I'll make my bed and stuff later." I promised myself, and went downstairs to meet Brendon at the front door.

"Wanna tell me why it's still dark." I asked and clicked my phone on to see the time. "It's 5:17."

"I know." He pushed my phone down.

"You are lucky I went to bed at like 7 last night."

He laughed and we slid into the car. I tried to connect my blue tooth to listen to music but he turned it down so I could barely hear it.

"Hey!" I protested, leaning to turn it back up.

"I wanted to talk to you, that's why I woke you up early." He explained. "So I talked to Sarah, and Alyssa and it's really up to you at this point."

"Okay." I looked at him as he pulled up to a red light.

"I wanted to like announce you and Alyssa to my fans. Like I hate the word announce but if you're coming on tour and gonna be hanging out a lot I wanna post pictures with out confusion and stuff."

"Brendon." I cut off his rambling. "I don't care. Post it if you want to."

We made more small talk until we arrived at the Denny's. And we were seated immediately since it was 5:30 in the morning and no one in their right frame of mind was awake.

I ordered a chocolate milkshake and French toast, occasionally drinking Brendon's coffee as I waited for my drink.

"Who's your favorite artist?" Brendon asked, and the same time as he put his phone down, I got an instagram notification.

"You posted about it." I picked up my phone and smiled at the post.

It was a picture Sarah had taken of us the day after Alyssa was adopted, we had a movie night. Alyssa was sitting in between Sarah and Brendon and I was on the other side of Brendon. Alyssa was asleep on Brendon's shoulder and I was half asleep, laughing as I talked to Brendon. Sarah had wanted a picture of the three of us so she stood up to take one. But Brendon and I were both laughing, and Brendon's arm was around Alyssa. It was perfect. The caption was almost better then the picture. "hey guys. wanted to share this with you. this is Catelyn and Alyssa (Catelyn's tagged, Alyssa doesn't have Instagram). but these are my daughters, Sarah and I adopted them about a week ago. We couldn't be happier with our family right now. They will be joining us on the next branch of tour. Be nice to them! - B."

"Aww." I mentally thanked Sarah for giving me a profile picture as multiple people started following me. It was a picture of me sitting on the couch in my room last night with straight hair. I was wearing an oversized Panic hoodie and black leggings - laughing because Brendon was standing at the door and was making fun of our photo shoot.

Call It Home (Adopted by Brendon & Sarah Urie) Where stories live. Discover now