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"Cate." Brendon shook me awake. "Get dressed real quick it's time to go to the airport."

"Time?" I asked, rolling over.

"We have an hour to get to the airport." He answered, just get dressed real quick."

Brendon left my room, and I put on my Nike dry fit shorts and a Panic hoodie. I put on my black slide on Vans, and grabbed my suitcase. I only really needed to pack for a couple of days, so I only brought a carry on bag, then a small bag to actually access on the plane.

"Cate, Zacks here." Brendon knocked on the door lightly. He had on black sweatpants, and a black Harley Davidson t shirt. "My stuff is downstairs."

I put on the backpack, and picked up my luggage.

"Here I'll take this, you go say bye to mom." He took the suitcase out of my hand.

Brendon and Sarah both called themselves mom and dad now when talking about each other. I guess because that's what Alyssa called them, I don't really know. It's not that I don't see them as my mom and dad, because they definitely are, I just think as of right now I would feel uncomfortable saying it for the first time.

I went downstairs and into Brendon and Sarah's room, Sarah was half awake, scrolling on her phone.

"Bye Sarah." I gave her a hug, and she sat up.

"Bye, C, have fun okay?" I nodded, and she kissed my forehead. "Be careful. I love you."

"Love you too." I shut her door, and met Brendon and Zack in the car.

"Hey, Catelyn." Zack smiled at me. "Are you all ready do you have everything?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "How long is the flight?"

I ran through a mental list making sure I had everything. I didn't bring a blanket because it was only 3 days, but I brought a big hoodie just for the flight.

"It's like 5 hours." Zack answered, I fiddled with my necklace a little bit, and listened to the radio.

Flying still freaked me out a little bit, once we were in the air I was fine, but leading up to it like going through safety measure and stuff still freaked me out.

"It'll be fine, C." Brendon said.

Soon enough, we were at the airport. We went through security normally, and were just waiting to board.

I connected my headphones, and tried to make sure I had enough songs downloaded.

"You'll be okay." Brendon said, "I have songs and movies downloaded if you want that."

Brendon took me to a store thing, and we each got water bottle, then a couple of snacks.

They called our gate and we settled into our seats, Brendon was the window seat, I was in the middle, and Zack was on the isle. The rest of the band and crew was through the rest of the plane. I put my hood up as the safety procedures played through. Brendon and I shared his AirPods, and he played some Billie Eilish during take off.

I stayed close to Brendon's side as I usually did, he held my hand when that first little, usual bump of turbulence hit.

"It's okay." Zack tried to offer some small help to me.

The rest of the flight was okay, but landing was always the worst part.

We had a two ish hour drive to the venue, which was mainly filled up by me and Brendon and Nicole going back and forth with each other.

The venue was absolutely insane. It was literally like a big open field. The crowds were wild, and it was so packed. This was my first big festival, and it was so much different from other shows. Possibly because there were more drunk people, but that's beyond the point.

On Friday before Brendon went on, I begged Zack to take me to watch X Ambassadors because I knew a couple of their songs and I just wanted to go.

I just put on loose pink, white, and yellow striped shorts and a white tube top, and white Vans then went with Zack.

"I promise I'll be back before you go on." I swore to Brendon.

"Be back before I go on please." Brendon asked. "And please don't go into my crowd, I don't want anyone to mess with you there and there's more of a chance you would be recognized there."

"Yes, I know." I tried to smile at him, but I was super excited to just go and be in the festival for a little bit.

Nicole had put a little bit of make up on me, just mascara and some glitter.

Brendon wanted a picture of me and him together, so we did that quickly before I went.

"Okay, I'll be back I promise. I love you." Brendon gave me a hug and kissed the top of my head. "Be careful."

It was so loud. I tried to hold onto Zack's arm, but take in everything at once. Zack took a couple of pictures of me to send back to Brendon. We arrived at the set, and I just got to be apart of a crowd for a minute, not sidestage, and not in photographers pit. I was just in the crowd, granted Zack was still with me but still.

We made it back to Brendon before his show.

"Did you have fun?" I nodded excitedly, and promised I would tell him about it later when he was done.

He ran out on stage, and I asked for Zack to send me the pictures so I could post them.

I saved them, then sang along to Brendon's set because no matter what I always wanted to watch his set because he will always be my favorite performer.

At the end of the night, I took the picture of me and Brendon, a couple pictures of me in the crowd, and a picture of me watching Brendon's set and posted them.

firefly day one

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