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So we've been home from tour for two weeks, and I have been so bored with my life. There's approximately nothing to do. So, I spent a majority of my time before school started sitting on my bedroom couch watching Netflix with my dogs.

But, today was the first day of school, so I had to do something with my life. It was the start of April, so we really only had a couple months of school left.

I pulled on a red Champion hoodie, with ripped black skinny jeans. Sarah had straightened my hair last night, so I just brushed out my hair and brushed my teeth. I only put on highlighter, mascara, and blush for make up. I put on deodorant and body spray, then left the bathroom. I slid on my rainbow checkered Vans, as I walked down the stairs.

Alyssa and Brendon were jokingly arguing about what they wanted for breakfast, and Sarah sat on the couch drinking her coffee, ignoring them.

"Cate, what do you want for breakfast?" Brendon asked me.

"What are your two options?" I asked, sliding onto the barstool.

"Either fruit with yogurt or chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream."

"I'll just take fruit and my coffee." I laughed, walking over to the Keurig.

"Well tell your sister that chocolate chip pancakes and whipped cream isn't a healthy breakfast choice."
Brendon looked pointedly at Alyssa, who I noticed was not dressed yet.

"Lyss what about pancakes not chocolate chip with fruit on them?" I tried to reason with her. She accepted the reasoning, and Brendon started to make her that while Sarah and Alyssa went upstairs to get Alyssa ready.

"Did you want yogurt or no?" Brendon asked, cutting up strawberries.

"Uhhh, no thanks." I opened Instagram stories and took a boomerang of my coffee to Brendon cutting my fruit. 'loved tour, but missed mornings at home.' I captioned it, and adding it to my story. I looked at my account and saw I had hit 300k followers so then I had to post on my story again for that.

"Bren can you do a like a dance or something." I opened Instagram boomerang. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but he started doing some Fortnite dance. I captioned that picture 'thanks for 300k!' and posted it.

"What are you most excited for about school?" Brendon asked, taking a drink of his own coffee and handing me food.

"Friends my own age. No offense." I laughed.

"You're gonna have so many friends." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah I doubt it."

He shrugged, but gave me a somewhat knowing look. Brendon dropped the topic though. "I have a surprise for you when you get home."

"What is it?" I asked eagerly, and he laughed at me.

"Ummm. Hint - it's with your room."

I gave him a confused look. "But I've already put away all of the stuff I got on tour in my room? Sarah helped me make my souvenirs look cute or be in a safe place?"

He shrugged, and stirred his coffee, as Alyssa and Sarah came down stairs. Alyssa was wearing a white dress with pink flowers on it, white converse and a jean jacket.

"Your food is good." Brendon nodded to her plate which was in front of the barstool next to mine. We all finished our breakfast in a general silence.

"Okay can I take pictures." Sarah asked, as she put her mug in the sink.

"But I'm still eating." Alyssa whined.

"Cate?" Sarah asked, and I nodded.

I moved in front of the steps, and smiled as Sarah took a couple of pictures.

"Alyssa come take a picture with your sister." Alyssa eventually stood up and went next to me

The picture taking went on for about 10 minutes, trying to get every combination of people possible.

"Okay run upstairs and get your bags, we have to go." Brendon said, waving me and Alyssa up the stairs.

I grabbed my black Vans backpack and Alyssa grabbed her teal and white jansport backpack.

The car ride was a usual one. Brendon and I singing obnoxiously, Alyssa trying to keep up, and Sarah laughing.

Alyssa was dropped off at school first.

"Bye mom, bye dad, bye Cate. Love you." Alyssa said as she slammed the car door.

Brendon started to drive away quietly and confused.

"What - did she just - huh?" He tried to get together his thoughts, but he was smiling.

Now I wish I could've stayed longer to see where this conversation went, but the high school was right across the street.

"Bye, Cate. I love you." Brendon said. "Text me if you need anything."

"Love you Cate." Sarah smiled.

"Bye guys, love you." I walked into the school building and into the office.

"Hi, sweetie how can I help you." A lady at the front desk asked.

"I need a schedule today is my first day." I answered. "Catelyn Urie."

She shuffled through some papers and handed me a schedule. "Now your first class is in B5, which is second floor to the right. Have a good day."

I pushed through the hallways of people who already had their lives together and knew what was happening, and stumbled into B5.

"Hi I'm Catelyn, this is my first day." I told the teacher but it came out more of a question.

"You can sit right there." He pointed to an empty seat in the front row next to some girl who looked very preppy.

"Hi I'm Catelyn, or Cate it doesn't matter." I smiled as she looked me up and down.

"I'm Olivia. Did you just like move here or something?"

"Well kinda, I've been traveling and being homeschooled on the road I guess." I shrugged.

"You've been traveling from September to April?" She asked, of course gaining the attention of the entire class. They were then around my desk asking me questions.

"Where did you go?"
"Is that even legal to travel that long?"
"Why do you look familiar?"

"Hey, back off." A girl said from the back. "She's been on tour. Jesus you fucking dipshits live under a rock?"

And thus began what was going to be a very interesting school year.

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