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Brendon knocked on the door in the middle of us watching a movie.

"Come in." I answered, and he poked his head in.

"What do you guys wanna do for dinner? I can order pizza or we can go somewhere." He offered.

"Just order pizza, please." I responded, looking around at my friends.

"Toppings?" He asked, "Cheese and pepperoni work?" We all nodded. "I'm taking Alyssa to the store to get snacks, text me what you want, Sarah is here if you need anything."

"Okay, bye Bren." I smiled at him, as he left.

"Bro, I want chips." Maggie said.

"Okay, I got you." I pulled out my phone to text Brendon. "Normal kind?" She nodded.

I texted Brendon that we wanted chips, and a variety of candies, then put my phone down.

"So what do we wanna do." I asked, looking back at the tv screen. "It's only 7."

"How hot is it, can we go swimming?" Landon asked, and Lucy pulled up her phone for the weather.

"76 degrees Fahrenheit." Lucy answered surely.

"We can swim." I said, "did you guys all bring bathing suits? We might have extra."

"I did." Landon said, and the girls followed with their 'yes's.

"Somebody can go in my bathroom first, I still have to pick one out." I said, getting off the couch and sat on the floor next to my dresser.

"I'm going in the bathroom." Lucy pulled her bathing suit out of her bag.

I sifted through my bathing suit drawer, and picked out a one piece bathing suit with light pink and white vertical stripes.

"I need to do something with my hair." I mumbled to myself, and was thankful I left a brush and hair ties on my dresser.

Maggie went in to change after Lucy, while I was doing two French braids down the side of my head. 

"That's a cute bathing suit, Luce." I said, looking at her in the mirror. The bottoms where a dark green and the top was white with potted cacti on it.

"Thanks! It's from Zaful I think." She answered, plugging her phone into the wall.

"I need to go on there, people tell me that I have the best sense of fashion but I literally look like a rat at all times." I laughed.

"Cate, I literally don't even want to get into it with you right now." Lucy rolled her eyes. "You look cute in literally everything, and you can put stuff together to make cute outfits."

"Thanks." I laughed, as I tied off the first braid and started the second.

"C! Can I use this hair brush!" Maggie yelled from the bathroom.

"Yeah!" I yelled back, just as dramatically as she had.

"I'm still not over your room it's so cute." Lucy sighed, Landon stayed quiet, sitting on his phone.

"Thanks." I laughed. "Landon you can go ahead after Maggie."

"Cool." He stood up and grabbed his bathing suit from the top of his bag.

"Do you have a hair tie." Lucy asked, with her hair flipped over trying to flatten out the bumps.

"Here." I handed her a hair tie off of my dresser.

Maggie came out with her hair in a low pony tail as I tied off my last braid.

Once I was changed into my bathing suit, we all ran downstairs, grabbing drinks before we went outside.

"Sarah do you want me to leave the back door open, or just let the dogs outside?" I asked her.

"Just let the dogs out and shut the back door." She said, so I called for the dogs.

"Don't you dare." I heard Lucy yell, followed quickly by a splash and Maggie's laugh.

"C'mon Penny, c'mon Bo!" I called for the dogs and they ran outside, then I shut the screen door behind them.

"Wait we need to take pictures before it gets super dark." Maggie said, and grabbed her phone.

"Here take one of me and Catelyn." Lucy said, and I jumped next to her in the pool.

"Hold up." Maggie and Landon got out of the pool, to get Maggie's phone to take the picture.

Lucy and I moved more to the shallow end so we could stand up. "What are we doing?" I asked Lucy, and she shrugged. The flashes that were in my eye showed Maggie was already taking pictures.

"Here get on my back." Lucy said, and stood in front of me. I jumped on her back and put my hands on her shoulders.

We each took a couple of pictures with each other, then with all of the girls, and a self timer to get all of us in a couple of pictures.

"Here Landon and Catelyn haven't taken one yet, and it's getting pretty dark, you should take one before we go inside." Maggie pointed out as Landon took a picture of Maggie and Lucy. "Switch with us." Maggie and Lucy got out of the pool and Landon and I got in.

"Get on my back?" Landon suggested, so I did.

We smiled, and I laughed as Lucy kicked water at us.

"Cate, I'm opening your phone to look at all of these." Maggie and Lucy turned their attention to the phone looking at all the pictures.

"Hands." Landon held his hands back to help me off, and turned around as I jumped off.

Before I realized what was happening, we were standing in the (at this point pretty much dark) pool, looking at each other, and holding hands. We stood in silence for a minute, neither of us stepping away.

Sarah opening the back door made us pause for a minute, but then we realized she couldn't see us so it didn't make a difference. "Guys Brendon is back with pizza and snacks if you wanna come in."

"You two can go in, we're gonna dry off first." Landon spoke for the both of us.

"We're not waiting for you guys to eat." Maggie laughed, and her and Lucy went inside.

"We can't, we're friends, and it would mess up our friend group if they found out -" I rambled.

"I know." He started to let go of one of my hands, but put it on my back. "But can we just-" He flipped his hair out of his face.

"I mean, I guess if they never found out it wouldn't make a difference." I said, and stepped closer.

"You're right."

And then he kissed me.

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