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Today was the first somewhat normal day in a while. Alyssa didn't have any appointments, and I had a full day of school.

"Get up early enough and we can go to a sit down place for breakfast." Brendon reminded me before I went to bed.

I set my alarm for an hour earlier than usual.

I put on some ripped skinny jeans, a red tank top, and my rainbow checkered vans, then continued my normal morning routine.

I walked downstairs and was almost afraid that Brendon had forgotten about it.

"Hey, Cate!" Brendon was already awake when I was downstairs, and just scrolling his phone. "You ready?"

"Yep." I smiled, and put my phone on the counter.

"Do you have your school stuff?" He asked, glancing at me and noticing I didn't have my bag.

"I left it in your car last night." I answered, and started to move towards the front door.

When we got in the car, we turned on the Hits 1 radio, and drove to the diner a couple minutes away. Dancings Not A Crime came on as number 20 on the list.

"Hey, I know the guy that sings this." I laughed, and continued to scroll Instagram.

Brendon started dancing along to his own song, and I took a short video of it then posted it on Instagram stories.

We ordered our normal foods, my French toast with sunny side up eggs, and Brendon's pancakes with a biscuit and jelly.

"So what's been up with you?" Brendon asked.

"What do you mean?" I kind of laughed. "I see you every day."

"We haven't like talked talked in a while." He replied. "How's your headspace?"

"I mean, it got better then day one as soon as I had my own space and you and Sarah were kind of watching me all the time." I shrugged. "Right now? School is kinda tiring, we have finals coming up, and I still only have three friends."

"I mean, I just know me and Sarah aren't hawk eye on you all the time anymore. I'm scared that you're hurting and I'm not seeing." He choose his words carefully and talked slowly.

"Is this really why we came to breakfast?" I asked.

"Kind of?" He shrugged.

"Well, I'm good." I laughed a little. "You know I would tell you if I wasn't."

He dropped the topic and moved on. "So I'm playing a festival on the east coast in a couple weeks."

"Are you dropping it because of Alyssa?" I asked, cutting up a piece of my food.

"Not yet, if it gets closer and she's doing worse, which shouldn't happen, then I'll cancel it. But the hope is that everyone can go." He explained.

"Okay, what kind of festival is it?"

He shrugged, "Its an outdoor music festival, it's three days, but to put it somewhat nicely, you and Alyssa probably won't be able to walk around by yourselfs like you could at some of the tour venues."

"How come?" I asked, even though I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up about even going.

"It's just, people are gonna be doing drugs and stuff. You can just hang out backstage with people."

"Are you gonna go on tour again?" I asked him, and he shrugged.

"I mean, I'll definitely at least wait until Alyssa is better, and maybe not do as long of a tour."

Call It Home (Adopted by Brendon & Sarah Urie) Where stories live. Discover now