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We had done a couple more tour dates, we were now in Brooklyn, New York. We left right after the Albany show last night, so when we woke up we were in Brooklyn.

"Are you taking her or not? This is something you need to figure out like now." Sarah told Brendon as he scrolled his phone.

I was technically supposed to still be asleep, but I couldn't, so I just laid there listening to what's happening around me.

"You're sure you don't wanna come, or Lyss?" Brendon asked.

"I don't think Alyssa's mature enough yet, or do you think she's okay?"

"Whatever you think." Brendon replied. "I need to text them that we're coming."

"I'll do something with Alyssa." Sarah promised, and I figured since the conversation was over I could get up.

I walked out of the bunk area and sat next to Sarah on the couch. I adjusted my clothes slightly, straightening out the gray PINK brand sweat pants and pulling down my black tank top.

"Hey, baby." Sarah wrapped an arm around me and kissed my cheek.

"Hey." I answered, leaning my head on her shoulder.

"Still tired." Sarah asked me, messing with my hair.

"No, just bored. Is Alyssa up yet?"

"Not yet." Brendon answered, "Go eat though, there should be pop tarts or something."

I hummed some sort of an answer, and Brendon continued to talk to me.

"We're gonna go into the city in a couple hours, me and you are gonna go see the Broadway show I was in a while ago."

"Really?" I answered, pulling out a chocolate pop tart.

"Yeah, we have to be like super quick though. Zack was not happy that we were cutting it so close to soundcheck and stuff." Brendon laughed.

I sat next to Sarah again, they were watching one of the Spongebob DVDs, since we could only really watch DVDs on the bus.

"This is bad for your brain apparently." Sarah said, lightly hitting me as I began to pay attention to the show.

"Oh, you're right, I'm probably gonna end up like Brendon now." I joked, and started to stand up, knowing Brendon was going to come for me. Brendon started laughing before I did.

"Get back here." Brendon stood up quickly, chasing me down the thin isle between the rows of bunks.

"No." I laughed, going into the back area where Sarah and Brendon slept.

"Stop it." Zack groaned from his bunk. I got on the bed and quickly tried to turn around. 

Brendon put his arm out, causing me to fall backwards on the bed.

"Ouch." I groaned.

"Be nice to me." He lightly hit my forehead, and I rolled my eyes.

Brendon went back to the couch and I stayed on the bed for a second. When I went back, Alyssa was awake and on the couch.

"Cate, and Bren, you guys need to start getting ready. We're gonna leave whenever you guys do."

"I'm going to get dressed then." Brendon announced, leaving the couch.

"Are you okay, Lyss?" I asked, hugging her.


"You can sleep during the show tonight if you want, I can hang out on the bus with you." Sarah offered. "I just want you to be able to do some tourist things."

Call It Home (Adopted by Brendon & Sarah Urie) Where stories live. Discover now