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Today was my first flight by myself. Brendon had dropped me off at the airport, and Tyler and Josh were meeting me in Ohio.

"You're sure you're okay?" I had my plain black luggage, it was carry on size, then my black back pack that would go under my seat.

"Yes, Bren, I'm okay." I promised him before I went to security.

"The flight isn't too long, buy wi fi in case you need to text me or mom on the plane." Brendon had left me with his credit card, which made me feel really weird, because first of all I didn't exactly love the idea of spending his money, then I knew that some people would have some things to say about me if I was just running around with his credit card.

"Okay, I will. I'll text you when I board, when I land, and when I find Tyler." I smiled, and he hugged me.

"My little baby is leaving me." He whined dramatically.

"I'm sure you'll be okay. You guys get to hang out with Alyssa for a couple days, you won't have time to miss me." I tried to reason with him.

"Yeah, but I'm still gonna miss you." He gave me a hug, and kissed the top of my head. "Have fun, Cate." I went to TSA, and Bren went the opposite way.

"Love you!" I called after him.

I went through TSA, and found my gate easy enough, I had about a half an hour until they were boarding.

I decided I would go get lunch, I mean it was like 11 ish, so I found a smoothie place to get a quick something. I didn't want to eat too much, because I still wasn't 100% with planes.

Planes still gave me some anxiety during take off, and this was my first time flying by myself. I always flew with Brendon and he always held my hand during take off.

I sipped my smoothie as I sat at my gate. I wanted to just be on the plane and in the air, but for the time being I sat on the floor by the window and watched planes take off.

My gate was called and I ended up being in a row by myself. There were only two seats in the row, so I sat window seat, and tried to focus through out the safety instruction.

Finally, we were moving down the run way, I plugged in my headphones and turned on airplane mode, playing my downloaded Panic! songs to try to breathe a little bit. The song that generally helped me calm down most was C'mon so I played that as we went up to the air. I did buy wi fi, and I just went through Instagram and Twitter, and replied to some questions.

We finally got off the plane, and I found Josh and Tyler almost immediately.

"Hey guys!" I hugged Josh first, it had been a long time since I had seen him.

"Catelyn!" Josh rocked me back and forth for a minute before letting me hug Tyler.

"Do you wanna go get food then we can just hang out for a little bit? We have 2 days to do whatever then a day where we're gonna be in the studio."

"Food sounds good." I answered, rolling my suitcase out of the airport.

I texted Brendon, letting him know I had landed and found Tyler and Josh and we were all good.

I hopped in the car with them, and he asked what we wanted for dinner.

"I need to drive." Tyler lightly threw his phone to Josh, "Call Jenna and ask what she wants for dinner or if we have anything to cook."

A couple phone calls later, there was a pizza at the house.

"Catie!" Jenna smiled as I came into the door, hugging me, and moving my suitcase by the door.

"Hi, Jenna!" I answered, hugging her back.

"How was your flight? Are you tired, do you need anything?" She asked, as we walked into the kitchen.

"I'm okay, I might just go to sleep now." I answered.

"Are you going to the studio with the boys tomorrow?" I nodded.

"I think so." I replied, opening the pizza box and taking a piece.

"They'll probably leave around 8 ish." She answered, "And it is getting kind of late if you wanna go take a shower and sleep or do whatever."

I checked the time, and the clock read 10:30, so I decided it was time to go to bed. I gave Jenna a hug, then walked into the living room to say goodnight to Tyler and Josh.

I headed up to my room for a shower, then I called Sarah and Brendon before I went to bed.

"Hey, Sarah." I smiled on the FaceTime camera. "I'm about to go to bed but I wanted to call you."

"Are you having fun so far? Brendon and Alyssa went to go to a movie but I wasn't up for it." She answered.

"Yeah, we haven't really done much, we just ate and got back to the house and stuff."

"Okay, well I'll talk to you tomorrow, you should text Brendon and tell him good night."

"I will." I promised. "I love you."

"Love you, angel, good night." Sarah hung up, and I turned on my playlist of slower Panic songs.

Suddenly I was missing Brendon. I had hardly ever been away from him, especially not for like more than a day. I texted Brendon good night, and told him that I missed him. Then I fell asleep.

Call It Home (Adopted by Brendon & Sarah Urie) Where stories live. Discover now