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I ignored the teachers request for me to sit up front and sat next to the girl who had defended me.

"Hi, I'm Catelyn, or Cate or anything of that." I smiled sitting next to her.

"I'm Maggie." She smiled lightly, mainly focusing on a sheet of paper in front of her. "We technically had homework last night that I didn't do."

"Oh." I didn't know how I was supposed to start conversation. Was I supposed to say umm so do you like my dads band? Of course, me being an idiot asked just that. "So you listen to Panic?" I asked.

"Casual listener, social media follower." She shrugged.

"What's your Instagram?" I asked, pulling out my phone.

"Oh, it's maggie dot obeck." I followed her, and she turned her phone over, getting the notification.

"Phones away!" The teacher snapped before the bell even got a chance to finish ringing.

Maggie and I laughed a little, bit mainly paid attention for the rest of class. Turns out my online school was ahead if this, so I just zoned out for most of class.

I did finally get to look at my schedule again though, and compare it to Maggie's. We had all of our morning classes together, but none afternoon.

1. Algebra
2. English 9
3. Biology
4. Lunch
5. American History
6. Band

Our morning classes went fairly quickly, except for biology, which was just very dragged out for a long time.

I met more of Maggie's friends at lunch time though, which ended up being my favorite period of the day.

"Hey, I'm Lucy." One of Maggie's friends smiled at the lunch table. It was a small group of friends, but they were all nice.

"Hi!" I replied, putting in my head phones and trying to tap along to a song.

"Hey, who's this." A guy sat next to Lucy and across from Maggie, I was next to Maggie.

"I'm Catelyn." I answered.

"I'm Landon." He nodded, looking slightly uncomfortable, but same. "I'm Maggie's brother."

I nodded, as they went along their normal conversations.

"Cate what kind of stuff do you like?" Lucy asked, and I snapped back into reality.

"Umm, music wise I like 5 Seconds of Summer. And I don't really have any hobbies I guess, I liked traveling?" It came out in more of a questioning tone than I had intended, but whatever.

They all nodded, and Lucy and Maggie launched into a conversation about 5 Seconds of Summer.

"We saw them on their tour that just happened." Lucy said and I nodded.

"That's cool."

The table fell over an awkward silence.

"Do you wanna be in the group chat?" Landon asked, pulling out his phone.

"Um, sure?" I answered, reading off my phone number as he put me in the group.

"What other classes do you have this afternoon?" Lucy asked, scrolling through Instagram and liking a post by Panic! At The Disco, I chose not to say anything.

"I have band and history." I replied.

"Lemme see your schedule." She put her phone face down. "We have the same history teacher, and you're with Landon for band."

I nodded as the bell rang, following Lucy to begin the second half of our day.

I stood at the car riders ramp with Landon and Maggie, Lucy rode the bus. Brendon texted me saying he was on his way, but I still anxiously waited for him. I liked school so far, but i was ready to go home.

"I'll text you." Maggie promised as her and Landons mom pulled up.

Brendon pulled up soon after, and I climbed in the front seat, Sarah and Alyssa weren't there.

"Hey, Cate." He smiled. "I got you a coffee." He motioned to the McDonalds iced coffee in the cup holder.

"Thank you." I put my bag at my feet and pulled up my hoodie sleeves. "Can you turn on the AC? I regret wearing this it's hot." He fiddled with some of the car buttons that I didn't know how to work as he pulled out of the car riders circle.

"Did you have a good day?" He asked  

"Yeah. I like made friends my own age. Most of my teachers are okay except my math teacher, she's annoying." Brendon laughed at me, and turned the radio down a little. "What did you and Sarah do today without your favorite people." I asked, jokingly.

"Hmmm, we sat in quiet." I laughed, knowing it wasn't true. "No we went to the grocery store, and I recorded a little bit. Oh! And Sarah hung up the surprise in your room, and she reorganized some of the pictures and souvenirs from your so it didn't look so crowded."

"What's the surprise?"

"You can wait." He laughed. "Right now we're meeting Sarah and Alyssa at some ice cream place Alyssa wanted."

When we got there, Brendon and Sarah wanted to take pictures of Alyssa and I. So when I got these pictures I posted them on Instagram.

post first day of school vibes (i know it's april i was doing online school on tour don't come for me)

so sorry about that little break oops. but I've been writing music and stuff. so you can comment if you want my YouTube or Instagram so you can see what I'm doing. also next chapter do you want me to do like a room update after they moved it. just lmk what you want !!!

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