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Brendon and Sarah took Alyssa to the hospital the next week when she hadn't gotten any better. She had lost five pounds in the span of that week, still was sleeping for most of the time, and could only eat a couple of things.

"Catelyn?" I looked up as my English teacher put the phone down. "Dismissal."

I thanked her, and quickly packed my things. I slipped my phone into the waistband of the black Nike leggings I was wearing. I had on black Nike leggings, a tied up Hard Rock New York t shirt, and black and white Nike shoes, but that's not important.

When I got to the office, Brendon's eyes were red and his eyes were glued to his phone.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, and he quickly rushed me out the front door.

"We took Alyssa to the hospital and she wanted you."

"When was the last time you slept?" I ignored Alyssa for a second, and noticed how his words slurred together and he could barely keep his eyes open.

"Not last night, like two days ago?" He grabbed the 5 hour energy from the cup holder and chugged it.

I had never seen Brendon out of energy, and completely drained, which only made me more scared for what I would see at the hospital.

"When we get there I want you to take a nap." I said.

The phone rang and it was Sarah, he answered quickly.

They skipped the greetings and went right into what they were doing. "They did a blood test, and put an IV in her. They fast tracked the blood test because she's so young, but depending on the results of that they wanna do a bone marrow biopsy."

"Where's Alyssa?" He asked, silently cursing as a red light slowed down his progress. "Does she want anything before we get back."

"She's asleep. You can probably go to the house and bring her her blanket?" She said in more of a questioning tone.

"Ill run by the house and I'll have Cate run in to grab it." He made a sharp turn to go to the house and handed me the key. "Do you think she'll need clothes?"

"I don't think so, she has what she came in and she won't really need anything else." I got out of the car, and ran inside.

I grabbed everyone's phone chargers, got more water for the dogs, and grabbed Alyssa's favorite blanket.

Once we arrived at the hospital, everyone plugged in their chargers, and Alyssa fell back asleep with her blanket.

"What time is it?" Sarah asked, and I checked my phone.

"12:30. Can I go downstairs and get lunch?" Brendon handed me his credit card out of his wallet.

"I don't want anything." Brendon said, and Sarah shook her head.

I made my way downstairs by myself and found the food court. I just found a pizza place, and got myself a slice of cheese pizza and a bottle of cherry coke. I saw a coffee place, so I got Sarah her usual coffee order, just in case because I knew she wasn't going to sleep, but Bren was gonna crash any second so I didn't have to worry about him.

From Lucy : hey where are you??

I sighed and turned my phone off as I carried the food back to Alyssa's room.

To Lucy : my parents took alyssa to the hospital because she was still really sick, they picked my up this morning

From Lucy : damn, hope she feels better

I handed Sarah her coffee and sat on the floor in front of where Brendon was asleep.

I pulled out English homework, and tried to focus on that, rather than the steady dripping of the IV tube.

The words of the assignment seemed to blur together as my head spun.

Biopsy? Isn't that for cancer? Alyssa can't have cancer. That's not fair. She doesn't have cancer, it's just the flu. Brendon might be over reacting, he gets worried easy. But the doctors are the ones that did the test, and recommended it or whatever. What would I do? Would Brendon leave me because I was a reminder.

"Cate?" Sarah asked, making me realize the tears in my eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just stressed with school and stuff." I answered, putting on a small smile.

"You and Bren can go home tonight and sleep if we're still here." Sarah said. "I want you to sleep in your own bed."

"It's not sleep, it's just school." I promised her. "Go to sleep or something, I'll be up with Alyssa if she needs something."

She gave me a grateful look, and curled up in the chair.

I need to breathe, and I need to finish this assignment right now. Everything else is up to fate, but I can control this.

Call It Home (Adopted by Brendon & Sarah Urie) Where stories live. Discover now