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The surprise ended up being a giant picture of me and Brendon standing on stage on my birthday framed behind my couch, and Sarah did make my room look way cuter when she slightly reorganized/redecorated.

But today Maggie, Lucy and Landon were spending the night. I'm not sure if Landon is, but we have a guest room so it's fine.

Brendon and Sarah has been freaking out about it all day. They made sure everything was clean, like the bathrooms and stuff, and Sarah reorganized some of the things in the living room too, just like the coffee table and stuff though. Which I didn't see the need to do because I loved our house. Like it was big and most of downstairs was white and marble with just cute decorations and pictures from different times. I just didn't see why they were so freaked out about it.

I had told them to bring bathing suits in case it was warm enough to swim tonight. Which - not relevant to Brendon and Sarah preparing for my friends - they got the yard landscaped the other week since it was getting warmer.

"Okay Bren. I'm going to get dressed now, do you need help with anything else?" I asked as nicely as I could, still not seeing a reason to have to do all this. But he had just brought a bunch of groceries and he claimed he was ordering pizza for dinner tonight, but I didn't know if Sarah would let him since he just bought so much.

"When you go upstairs can you ask your sister to come down here so she can tell me what she wants for dinner." I nodded, and turned on my heel going to go upstairs.

"Thanks for this Brendon, really." I said as I turned around.

"Go get dressed." He laughed. "I'm excited though."

I ran back upstairs and I tried to find something to wear. I settled on a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, my favorite jeans, a loose red t shirt that I tied in the front, and rainbow checkered Vans. I put on mascara, and deodorant before putting my bathroom stuff away.

My phone started ringing and I picked it up, it was Maggie.

"Bro how are we supposed to get in your neighborhood is gated you rich bitch." Maggie joked, and I heard Landon and Lucy laugh.

"Woah, language Mags." I laughed. "Just tell the people that are at the gate my last name and you guys are under approved people." (A/N I live in a gated community and this is how it is for us so sorry if it isn't how other people's are lol)

"Okay." I heard Landon in the background saying my name, then all of their names, I guess he was driving.  "Okay were in." Maggie said.

"Okay see you guys in a second."

I left my phone on my bed and went to the kitchen to tell Brendon they'd be here in a minute. "Where's Sarah?" I asked, taking a sip of Brendon's water bottle that was sitting on the island.

"She's in our room." And before giving me two seconds to even breathe, he screamed for her.

"What do you need?" Sarah came out of their room, the two dogs trailing behind her.

"Cate's friends are almost here."

"Where's Alyssa?" Sarah asked, as Bogart came up to me.

"Hey, Bo." I rubbed his head.

"She's in the living room watching Greatest Showman." Brendon answered, wrapping an arm around Sarah and kissing the side of her head.

"Cute." I said sarcastically and the doorbell rang. "Okay my friends are here bye."

"Hey guys." I opened the door and hugged them, we had been friends for about a month now, school was almost done, but I hadn't been to their houses and they've never been over here.

We all exchanged our greetings or whatever, and I was so ready to run up those stairs so we could just lock ourselves in my room forever. But then Sarah and Brendon walked in, Alyssa trailing behind them, because as much as I loved her, she still was my little sister who did little sister things.

"Hey guys," Brendon smiled pulling down his gray hoodie.

"So um, this is my dad Brendon, and my mom Sarah, and my younger sister Alyssa." I said awkwardly, and they all like shook hands or whatever.

"Do we wanna get a drink before we go upstairs?" I asked, when we finally got out of the meeting with 7 of us in the entry room.

"Do you have water?" Lucy asked, and I opened the fridge, handing her a water bottle, and grabbing a bottle of sweet tea for myself.

"We have Coke, sweet tea, water, lemonade." I started to list things and Landon requested Coke, and Maggie sweet tea.

I motioned for them to follow me upstairs, and we finally made it upstairs.

"Your house is really nice." Was the first thing Lucy said.

Maggie was looking at the shadow box above my desk that had all my plane tickets from the time I had been with my parents, which were the only times I had ever really flown I think.

"This is really cool, how many places you've been to." Landon was looking around at different souvenirs and stuff.

"Okay, so let's figure out what we're gonna do." I sat on the couch and the planning began.

Call It Home (Adopted by Brendon & Sarah Urie) Where stories live. Discover now