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An eternal slumber for this type of demon is common, though the demon itself wasn't very common at all. Summoning her took cunning wits and that wasn't something that most humans often possessed.

She was like a Genie in a bottle, watching from her small little window as humans walked past her little home. So oblivious to her existence. She thirsted for souls, but just any soul wouldn't do. Her kind, the rarity that they were, loved a certain type of soul. Pure, tainted on the edges, so delicious it was a sin to conquer in one sitting.

A soul like that only came by her path once or twice a millennial, if she were so lucky. Often times, she'd starve in her corner of the underworld. And all she could do was watch, sleep and wait.

She was sleeping quite peacefully, her home having been moved into a quaint little shop that was run by a witch. A witch that knew exactly who she was and kept her out of view of the general public.

She was grateful. She often grew tired of being lifted and tossed aside. It knocked her belongings around and it was annoying to pick up after them every moment of the day and night.

Her sleep was calm, and quiet, but the familiar and uncommon tingle behind her neck slowly began making itself known and woke her up. The demon laid there in her nest until the feeling grew and persisted quite painfully.

Oh...this was a good one.

And it was coming right for her. She quickly rolled out of her nest, her bare feet padding on the floor as she got a closer look at her new home. So young, so pure and hurting. This one was hurting so badly and the demon growled low in her throat, her claws clicking rhythmically on the glass.

Her home was hidden behind a few trinkets but somehow, the young woman found her anyway and picked her up. And the demon didn't even care that she was being careless and knocking down all of her carefully placed belongings. Her forked tail was swishing back and forth gently at the balls of her feet.

Watching the exotic beauty examine her home carefully, before gently putting her back on the table. But the demon knew.

She knew she would be back. She hummed thoughtfully, then went back to her nest to rest a little more. She had a feeling she would be needing it with this one.

Just as she was drifting off, she felt movement around her once again and the demon growled happily.


It took longer than the demon expected to be released from the confines of her home, and she was pleasantly surprised to not be greeted with screams of terror or anything of the sort.

It didn't take her long to deduce that her summoning wasn't done on purpose but by accident, but the blood contract had been completed and there was no breaking it. Ever. However her new owner was nowhere around and the demon sensed that she wasn't around, and before she could travel to her. She spotted the bracelet sitting across the room on the bed and sighed heavily.


She was stuck here in her owners presumed home until she returned.

That should be fun. The demon decided not to alter her appearance just yet to fit the standards of humanity, and instead went to explore. It seemed as if her new owner was quite wealthy and doing well for herself which was a relief. A change of pace from granting riches and all that they desire and such nonsense that humans seemed so obsessed with.

The further the demon explored the huge house, the more she sensed of her owner (and a few other scents as well) and realized that this was going to be her new nest. It was...cozy and she liked it. She liked it a lot.

She eventually found the storage for food and ate everything in sight. An hour later, the pristine kitchen was a mess of broken eggs that had been eaten raw, the loaves of bread were torn into, lunch meat shredded with long nails and sharp canines. Everything the demon could get her hands on, was shoved into her mouth.

That is exactly how she was found.

But instead of a scream. Her owner silently took in the state of her kitchen with a sneer, and looked back to the butt naked woman on the other side of the counter with the unnaturally dark eyes (she played it off to the bright kitchen lights playing tricks on her).

"You have about 5 seconds to tell me why the hell you're in my house before I fuck you up. Then call the police."

The demon's head tilted to the side, taking in her new owner carefully, making the other woman uncomfortable, "You are a lot shorter than I thought you would be."

The woman tsked and pulled out her cell phone to call the police, and the demon was on her in a split second and that's when the human got a good closer look at her black eyes, sharp canines, the nails and the tail. And that's when she screamed bloody murder.


Not a lot of supernatural Beynika stories so I thought I would just add my own. Whoever reads it, hope ya liked it.


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