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Nicki's P.O.V.

Nicki was sore, especially her thighs and she felt the burn when she was walking in her high heels as she prepared for her interview with a magazine by the name of LyRIC with a woman named Jessica.

Porsha and Taraji had been planning the whole thing for a month now, a week before Nicki's album release which is why Nicki was in Chicago instead of her warm home in California.

She was all for promoting her work and treating her fans, but if Nicki were being honest, she would much rather be in the bed cuddling with Beyoncé. She felt as if she had ran 45 minutes on the treadmill at full speed. Beyoncé fucked her and made love to her at the same time and damn if she didn't wanna do it again.

She had been restless all night, tossing and turning until Beyoncé snapped and told her to sit on her face and it all went downhill from there. She was distracted and it was obvious and Porsha was frustrated with her, but Nicki could care less.

She's been in thin ice for a while and Nicki was tempted to let Beyoncé loose on her but she couldn't handle more bad publicity according to Taraji so Nicki kept her trigger finger steady.

For now.

Nicki settled in the red leather chair, it was cold and uncomfortable but she smiled at Jessica regardless and pushed her discomfort aside and crossed her legs at the knee. Her legs were burning but Nicki would have to sit through it, she didn't have a choice. But she'd be getting Bey back for it later.

They were doing a recorded interview for LyRIC's podcast channel as well one for the magazine.

"Welcome to LyRIC, Ms. Minaj, thank you for joining me here today."

"Nicki is fine, and thank you for having me, Jessica. I'm happy to be here."

Jessica smiled and glanced down at her first notecard, "First I would like to congratulate you on your upcoming album, Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded. That's scheduled to drop next week, right?"

"Yes, next Friday right at midnight, my team and I are very excited for it. We've all worked so hard day and night for Roman Reloaded."

"Do you think it'll be as successful as Pink Friday?"

Nicki rolled her eyes internally, "I hope so. But it's out of my hands now."

Jessica nodded, "True. Let's talk about the two songs that have taken over the radio so far, one of your most controversial songs to date: Fire Burns. That's currently sitting in the No. 1 across the billboards. It's a great song, but...with the Safaree Murder..."

Nicki saw this question coming a mile away, "Yes?"

"Some have come to conclusions that Fire Burns is a full blown confession while others believe you were just capitalizing. With those floating about, what possessed you to actually release the song? It was a risk, wasn't it?"

"It was a risk," Nicki said slowly, carefully picking out her next words, "but I did it anyway because the emotion behind the song was real. It was...my way of mourning him."

Jessica raised a eyebrow at that statement, "You suggested that he deserved his fate."

Nicki just shrug, holding eye contact with Jessica calmly, "That's neither here nor there."

Jessica was caught a little off guard, but they were live and she had to keep the interview on schedule no matter how hard she wanted to press. She felt as if Nicki was a hair away from actually confessing to something simply because she did get away with murder.

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