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Beyoncé's P.O.V.

She was sore, mostly around her ribs and lower stomach

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She was sore, mostly around her ribs and lower stomach. Beyoncé pushed aside the sheets and lifted up her shirt. Seven stab wounds total and they were red and bruising.

Beyoncé sighed, "Shit..."

She heard pots clanking downstairs and smelled breakfast being cooked, and sighed again. She forgot about that. Beyoncé didn't want to go down there but wanted to see how Nicki was doing. The demon stood and conjured up some clothes for the day and fixed up the bed.

It would be awhile before her wounds scarred over if she didn't consume a pure soul or two. Demons like her were hard to kill but easy to wound and as punishment for their sins, healing themselves was not an option. And finding a true and pure soul was easy enough, actually taking the life was a little more difficult because of the guardian angels that followed them around and there was always more than one.

Babies weren't that much of an easy target like everyone assumed them to be.

Beyoncé walked into the kitchen and stopped. The island bar was set beautifully with a pitch of orange juice, plates of waffles and sliced fruit, an egg casserole and it all just smelled really good.

Nicki turned around, gasping when she saw Bey just standing there and taking it all in.

"Hi, good morning. Sleep well?"

Beyoncé ignored the question, "This is too much food, don't you think?"

"I...yeah, it is but I didn't know if you'd actually stay and talk so I made a lot for you if you just wanted to take some and go back to wherever it is that you go."

"I said I was going to stay and talk last night. Didn't I?"

"You did," Nicki coughed lightly, "Have a seat?"

Beyoncé licked her lips, a little unsure, but she sat in her usual seat at the bar and began fixing herself a plate to get Nicki to relax. Beyoncé wasn't too hungry so she just got a few pieces of fruit. She felt a little bad for ignoring the other food.

"How's your um, stomach?" If Nicki noticed her light plate, she didn't make a comment about it.

"I'm fine, Nicki, just a little sore."

"Is there anything I can do?"

Beyoncé sighed and offered Nicki a tight lipped smile, "Take your bodyguard with you next time?"

"I would have, but she's been M.I.A," Nicki huffed, but when Beyoncé didn't return her humor Nicki's smile faded and she felt awkward.

And so did Bey. She wasn't sure what she could say, she felt vulnerable and she didn't know how to handle that or Nicki, for that matter.

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