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Nicki's P.O.V.

Safaree's murder investigation was still in full swing and though Nicki was a suspect, well her 'associate' Beyoncé, they didn't have anything to pin it on either one of them despite strong suspicions. And that was all it was ever going to be and Nicki didn't make an effort to dissuade the accusations either.

Her numbers were going through the roof because of it and she was going to ride the wave for what it's worth.

And after her interview with Wendy Williams, well, that didn't help anything either. Wendy was set on pointing the blame of Safaree's death on Nicki and sending Beyoncé after him to do her dirty work because he broke her heart and tried to sully her name.

It was true. Hell, Nicki could admit to it and they still couldn't touch her. Which is exactly what she was doing while sitting in the middle of her bed with a pen and paper. It was bold and it was risky, could possibly end her entire career.

The song she was writing could be taken as just that, a song. But with her current controversy. It would be something else entirely. But she was an artist and what would art be without a little risk.


Instead of appearing out of thin air like she normally did and give Nicki a heart attack, Beyoncé calmly walked into her room and sat down next to her on the bed.


"Okay, listen to this and don't be fake...gimme your real thoughts on this. Alright?"

Beyoncé raised an eyebrow, "I'm listening."

Nicki picked up her notepad and took a deep breath;

You shoulda left, the other day
You let me beg, for you to stay
This is a sickening joke that you play with my emotions
And so I pray you burn in hell and you never find the ocean
I hope your fire, fire burns baby
I hope your fire, fire burns baby
I hope you lay down in your sleep and you choke on every lie you told
And when you're reaching out for me you'll see you reap everything you sow
You piece of shit, you broke me down
Thought you said you, would hold me down
But I can see it in your eyes that your blinded by the flashing lights
And you's a stupid muthafucker for letting this thing pass you by
I hope your fire, fire burns baby
I hope your fire, fire burns baby
I hope you lay down in your sleep and you choke on every lie you told
And when you're reaching out for me you'll see you reap everything you sow

The silence between them stretched for a while, and Nicki got impatient after 20 seconds, "Well?!"

"He did choke. On his own blood-"

Nicki threw her notepad at Beyoncé yelling over her words because she just didn't want to hear it, "I didn't ask what you did to him. Keep those details to yourself...what did you think of the song, asshole?"

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