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Nicki's P.O.V.

Nicki woke with a start, eyes popped open and she sat up so quickly she had to stop and wait for the room to stop spinning. Nicki suddenly recalled her dream and looked down at herself, thinking that she had made up the entire thing due to her exhaustion but she was still in her dress minus and her jewelry was still on. Nicki looked around her living room but it was completely empty. She leaned back further and saw that her kitchen lights were on but it was clean.

Not a trace of an intrusion or that strange woman or creature and Nicki's phone buzzed next to her, and she nearly jumped out of her skin.

It was 2 in the morning and she had 101 missed texts from Safaree and double the calls and voicemails. Nicki put her phone back down a heavy sigh, she would deal with his ass later.

Nicki leaned back on her sofa pillows, head thrown back with her eyes closed, "It was just a damn dream...thank God!"

"Mmm. Not quite."

Nicki's eyes popped open and staring down at her were those black eyes and she sat up so quickly but the woman was fucking fast! She was suddenly in front of Nicki, sitting Indian style on the coffee table-and she had on clothes this time. A pair of sweats and a t-shirt. Nicki opened her mouth to start screaming but the creature waved her hand, and Nicki could scream all she wanted to now. But there was no sound coming out and she soon after discovered that she was immobile.

She couldn't move. She couldn't speak.

"You can't move or speak, Nicki, no, but you can look and you can listen." The creature sitting on her coffee table smiled sweetly, but to Nicki it looked as malicious as her top and bottom canine teeth.

Nicki opened her mouth to ask how this woman knew her name but she reminded herself that she was famous, first of all, unless they lived under a rock. Everyone knew who Nicki Minaj was, whether they liked her or not.

The creature sighed heavily, her long black forked tail swishing idly behind her head, and Nicki blinked several times in disbelief at the sight.

"Let me apologize for earlier, I did not mean to startle you. I am not here to harm you." the woman's voice was smooth, like whiskey, and just the amount of deep and raspy from a good high. It was intoxicating and just as attractive as she was. Minus the odd physical traits.

She held up the bracelet Nicki got from Africa and twirled it around gently, "My name is...well, it's Beyoncé. That's as close as you can get with a human tongue. I am a demon of sorts. Calm down, I don't want to eat your flesh or possess you. To humans, I would be considered a Genie though the media representation mistakes us for nice, fun loving types. I can guarantee you, Nicki, that we are not."

Nicki stared at the crazy woman questioningly, borderline glaring at her, and Beyoncé just smiled down at her still, head tilting slightly.

"I don't grant 3 wishes, that's absurd and selfish." Beyoncé scoffed, and she leaned forward, holding up the stone bracelet, "I don't grant wishes at all, in fact. You see this bracelet, Nicki? This is our contract and whether you meant to or not, you signed it last night." Beyoncé's eyes narrowed briefly and Nicki could talk again but she still couldn't move. "Questions?"

Nicki glared at her now, but she didn't say anything. How could she? The woman had proven that she while she was probably batshit crazy-this wasn't fake. This was real. It hadn't have been a dream and Nicki really brought home a demon with her and signed a blood contract with the thing. And suddenly the shopkeeper's words came back at her full force.

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