got7 as sh*t my cats do

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↳ mark: sleeps all day. runs laps around the house in the middle of the night. pretends to be disinterested in everything. chews my ipod earbuds. sleeps on my back. will give me the stink eye if i move an inch. panics at sudden motions.

↳ jaebum: sits awkwardly on the bed. has a surprised look when caught. inhales food like a machine. climbs all over the counters to find more food. stares at me until i move from my spot. gets in my face. watches me sleep.

↳ jackson: pats my face gently in the morning to wake me up. rubs head on my boobs. headbutts me at random times. meows without stop whenever i come home. makes biscuits on my tummy or thigh. licks my toes randomly.

↳ jinyoung: makes sure i'm looking when getting petted by someone else. must be entitled to sniffing any food i eat. will not eat any of said food. glares at me for minutes on end. knocks over my plants. offended when i sneeze.

↳ youngjae: rolls around in the sunlight. cutely sniffs flowers. licks my fingers and holds my hand. snuggles me when im sick. nuzzles my cheeks. smiles when getting petted. meows back happily when greeted. cries when i leave.

↳ bambam: walks directly under me to trip me. runs wildly around the house after using the litter box. will not play with a very expensive toy i bought. will enjoy full use of the box it came in instead. attacks my feet for no reason.

↳ yugyeom: destroys everything i love. sits on my books when im trying to study. swipes at the phone when im trying to talk to someone. puts butt in my face when i wont give proper attention. hits me with tail then leaves. up to no good.

{ disclaimer : this is purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes only }

(taken from my tumblr: ahgaseda)

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