got7 reacts to you saying their name in your sleep

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↝ mark: on the rare occasion he would actually hear you because we all know this kid is death warmed up when it comes to sleep he would look over at you sleepily like what? too dazed to think anything of it. drapes an arm over your hip and goes right back to sleep. teases you about it in the morning though.

↝ jaebum: looks around and asks whats wrong. when he realizes you are asleep and obviously said his name while sleeping he would smile and maybe touch your cheek. will not stop until the two of you are a comfortable tangle of limbs while asleep. wonders briefly what is happening in your dream.

↝ jackson: he would highkey love this. would wrap his arms around you and pull you flush against him. buries his face in your hair and snuggles the living daylights out of your sleeping self. you might wake up with him smothering you the way he does. he will whine that he just wants to hold you.

↝ jinyoung: irritably throws an arm over you and tugs you closer. fusses at you for disturbing him. assumes you called his name because you want him to hold you. when he realizes youre sound asleep he will sigh and shake his head. molds his body around yours and listens to your steady breathing.

↝ youngjae: will fold to his side in order to be nose to nose with you. just stares at your face for a second or two or three. he waits for you to say his name again. gosh it sounded so good the way you whispered it almost on a sleepy sigh. pouts if you dont say it again. leaves a little kiss on your nose.

↝ bambam: definitely cocky because this means you are probably dreaming about him and he likes that thought. totally the type to shake you awake and tell you that you were chanting his name in your sleep even though you obviously only said it like once. will tease you about it later.

↝ yugyeom: oh boy he wants to kiss you so damn bad. it is both insanely cute and ridiculously hot that you called for him in your sleep. will probably leave a little kiss on your cheek or the corner of your mouth. will assume his rightful position of the big spoon behind you and squeeze his arms around you.

{ disclaimer : this is purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes only }

(taken from my tumblr: ahgaseda)

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