imagine a quickie with got7

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[ smut warning ]

↳ mark: in the car. he totally down for some vehicular loving. theres just so many possibilities. you can straddle him in the drivers seat. he can pin you to the backseat. clothes will be kept on for the most part. as long as the windows are tinted hes ready to go. even though hes short for time he will want to start relatively slow and build you both up. loves when you ride him because seeing you unhinged and ravenous gets him off. when its over he will chuckle in your ear about what a mess you both are but says it was definitely worth it.

↳ jaebum: over the nearest surface. a desk or a table or the back of a couch. it doesnt matter. he will have you bent over something. your skirt will be hiked up your waist or your pants will be slung around your ankles. he will move your legs apart with his knees and get to work. he gets off to you being powerless. is so merciless and rough. dont be surprised if a hand finds its way to your neck. not to choke you but to remind you who the boss is. he will bite down on your neck or shoulder to keep himself quiet because you just feel so good.

↳ jackson: anywhere and anytime. the only thing consistent about a quickie with jackson is that he will go from zero to beast mode in a matter of seconds. your poor hips are going to be sore from his grip. will probably rip your clothes. there will be hair pulling and ass slapping. he expects to hear his name and a whole lot of moaning. the louder the better he says. and he totally going to be running his mouth the whole time too. you know hes gonna be so damn loud and swearing like a sailor. when finished he will kiss you everywhere.

↳ jinyoung: against the wall. has his arms under your legs supporting your weight. occasionally may pin your hands over your head. loves to bury his face in your neck. lives for your ankles locked behind his back. antagonizes you the whole time to rile you up and swears a lot. is surprisingly playful and rough. he wants you shaking. he prefers to be chest to chest with you but that doesnt mean hes opposed to taking you from behind. the wall gives him the leverage he wants in either position. will smugly smile at how wrecked you both are.

↳ youngjae: in a closet. he needs absolute privacy and security. he totally the type to clamp a hand over your mouth if you get too loud. he does not want to get caught. only he is allowed to see you like this. constantly tells you how beautiful you are and how badly he wants to have you. holds on to you so tightly. he really gets off on the aftermath a lot. the post coital heavy breathing and wet kisses are the best. he loves coming back out all disheveled. and he loves even more watching you try to play it cool after what you both did.

↳ bambam: on the couch. nothing beats the comfort of the sofa for this boy. expect him to change positions often. he will be chaotic and restless. and he loves wrestling around with you. the two of you will just be a tangled mess. oh gosh so many hickies. very vocal about how much hes enjoying himself. even with all the rushing and urgency he will stare into your eyes and hold you close in some way. he will constantly tell you he loves you and no one makes him feel the way you do. for the rest of the day he will be stuck in the memory.

↳ yugyeom: on the floor. the stroke game is strong with this one. you may start on your back but dont be surprised if he flips you over so he can really dig in from behind. teases you constantly and whispers the dirtiest shit under his breath. he craves making you feel good more than anything. if youre not making those noises he loves he will get rougher and rougher until you give him what he wants. getting it on in the practice room is not uncommon. cannot seem to catch his breath when its over. will playfully ask if he went too hard on you.

{ disclaimer : this is purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes only }

(taken from my tumblr: ahgaseda)

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