imagine public displays of affection with got7

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↳ mark: very assertive. loves to put an arm around you then tug you close and kiss you no matter who is around. sometimes he just likes showing off that hey this is mine. the type that keeps his hands low on your back or waist and sneaks them slightly under your shirt to feel your bare skin.

↳ jaebum: there is usually a very blatant vein of dominance in his public displays of affection. the type that pats your lower back or butt with his hands to the rhythm of a song in his head or one that he is humming aloud. very rarely kisses you in public but dont put it past him either.

↳ jackson: got so much love for you he just has to have his hands on you. steals kisses all the time because your face its just so damn kissable. not just on the mouth either. he will kiss your cheek your nose your forehead. he cant help it. also the type to kiss you boldly if another guy eyeballs you.

↳ jinyoung: rather possessive tbh. but hes also very traditional and private. dont expect him to kiss you in public unless you ask him for it. hes more the type to keep an arm around you and always have you in his grasp in some way. will be offended if youre not holding his hand like excuse me where is it.

↳ youngjae: he probably shy about pda in the beginning. but as time goes by and your relationship grows closer he becomes a huge fan of it. he really loves receiving public affection from you even more so than giving it. because it makes him feel warm and fuzzy that you are marking your territory for all to see.

↳ bambam: oh so obvious and blatant. randomly leaves a loud kiss on your neck when you least expect because he freaking loves your reaction so much. his most favorite thing is to back hug you in public. will constantly nuzzle your face and ask can i have a kiss. nips at your lips shamelessly.

↳ yugyeom: borderline inappropriate. has his hands in your back pockets so he can lowkey be holding on to your ass. will kiss you and slip his tongue into your mouth just to rile you up. on the other hand will smile and blush if you kiss his neck even though its just an innocent peck. lives to tease.

{ disclaimer : this is purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes only }

(taken from my tumblr: ahgaseda)

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