got7 reacts to your family fighting

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↝ mark: he is going to be very anxious. a fight will unsettle him and he will try to avoid confrontation. he will constantly tell you softly to calm down because seeing you distressed will distress him. will not intervene in an argument unless it goes too far towards you. when its over he will silently take care of you. will pull you to his chest and kiss the side of your head.

↝ jaebum: depending on how severe the fight is he may remove you from the situation. if a line is crossed he will defend you and get involved. afterward he will very firmly tell you that you did nothing wrong. but he wont really know how to comfort you. he may think assuring you is enough. if you want him to hold you tell him. he wont hesitate to wrap his arms around you.

↝ jackson: will not get involved unless something is directed at you. but he will encourage you to stand your ground. if you cry he will be undone. will get you alone and ask if you are okay and if you want to talk about it. will constantly hold you and wipe your tears and innocently kiss your cheek. will do everything in his power to console you. will give you whatever you want.

↝ jinyoung: he will constantly try to shield you behind him. he is extremely silent but his body language is livid and anxious. if someone shouts at you he will be visibly angry. also the type to remove you from an escalating situation. will calm you down with his gentle words and stroking your back. when you settle down he will want to talk to you about it to make sure youre okay.

↝ youngjae: will have absolutely no expression on his face during the fight. although of all things he may feel annoyed. because he feels this is too unfair for you. holds your hand tightly so you know he is always by your side no matter what. when its over he will do anything you want and will be everything you need. encourages you to cry if you need to and holds you to his chest.

↝ bambam: he will be completely silent during any confrontation. he will not get involved. when it is over he will go out of his way to try and make you laugh. if youre really upset he will comfort you in any way he can. the type to take you out for food or dessert until he gets a smile out of you. if you insist on peace and quiet he will oblige but will want to hold you or be close to you.

↝ yugyeom: very uncomfortable with the situation. you will feel the anger coming off of him. he may not realize you are upset until he sees your tears. then he will feel he has failed as your boyfriend. will envelop you in his arms and reassure you that everything is okay. kisses the top of your head and whispers an apology for not taking care of you better.

{ disclaimer : this is purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes only }

(taken from my tumblr: ahgaseda)

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