got7 reacts to you having a panic attack

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↝ mark: the nurturing side of him comes out and he doesnt hesitate to scoop you up and carry you to the bathroom. will prop you up on the sink or against the tub while he gets a cold damp cloth to dab on your face and your neck. constantly tells you that youre okay and hes right there with you.

↝ jaebum: the epitome of calm and collected. approaches you gently and wont react negatively because he doesnt want to exacerbate you. sits by you and holds your hands. talks to you soothingly. instructs you to breathe in and out. will rub his fingers over your knuckles and wont let go until youre okay.

↝ jackson: jumps to action right away and may seem very panicky himself but will swiftly simmer down. scoops you into his arms and holds you in his lap. rubs your back and strokes your hair. tells you everything is alright and you are safe and sound in his embrace. will want to know what triggered this.

↝ jinyoung: depending on how severe the panic attack is he will be quite firm and borderline stern with you because seeing you struggling to breathe is taken very seriously. will focus on getting you to level out your breaths before he takes you in his arms and coaxes you softly with his words.

↝ youngjae: the first time it happens he will ask you over and over to tell him what to do. nearly begs you to tell him how to help you. after that he will be prepared. he will make it a point to know the best way to help you in these situations and will never hesitate to drop everything hes doing to comfort you.

↝ bambam: tries to distract you. tells you positive things about his day in a comforting voice as he tries to get you to focus on something else. holds you really tightly and pulls you with him to the couch or bed. lays you down and rubs your back and keeps talking until he sees it have an effect.

↝ yugyeom: freaks out. he doesnt know what to do. seeing you struggling to breathe is going to put a whole new level of fear into him. will call somebody for guidance and will even want to call an ambulance until you tell him not to. will stay right by you and wont leave for anything until you calm down.

{ disclaimer : this is purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes only }

(taken from my tumblr: ahgaseda)

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