got7 reacts to you falling off the bed during sexy time

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↝ mark: you asked me to go harder. more like begged me. babe i will never ever let you live this down. he is giggling and giggling like an actual child. teases you so bad. pulls you into his arms and kisses your pouting face. says not to worry your secret is safe with him. jokes that tying you to the bed would help if you plan on making a habit out of falling during sex.

↝ jaebum: well. this is awkward. you alright? dont laugh. if you laugh you will never get laid again. literally has no idea what to do in this situation. jaebum.exe has stopped working. will look down at you from the bed and gawk. still cant believe that happened. fuss at him and he will jump out of bed to help you up. will apologize profusely but you will catch him smiling.

↝ jackson: the fuck are you doing down there? if you wanted floor sex you should have just asked. here i come! thinks this is hysterical but will not laugh at you. he would not dare. instead he will make light of it until he gets a laugh out of you too. will scoop you up in his arms and snuggle you on the bed. showers you with kisses and affection until youre happy again.

↝ jinyoung: are you kidding me? i was not going that hard. shake it off. what do you mean its my fault? im still on the bed! the savage prince finds this hilarious but for your sake will maintain a poker face. will bicker with you about what happened so you dont feel embarrassed. wont hesitate to pick you up and put you on the bed to check you over and make sure youre not hurt.

↝ youngjae: my baby! are you okay? what have i done? im so sorry. oh god we are gonna need therapy after this. the mental image of what just occurred will be branded into his mind forever. he will leap off the bed to make sure youre okay and help you up. a tiny laugh will sneak its way between his sentences because even you have to admit it was funny.

↝ bambam: did you just fall off the bed? oh my god. i cant. i cant stop laughing. i must tell everyone. shell shocked that this actually happened. thinks it is one of the funniest things he has ever witnessed in his entire life. he also the type to get you back on the bed to try and continue. when you give him the glare he will come to his senses. promises to make it up to you.

↝ yugyeom: oh dear. thats embarrassing. should i help you up? no i promise im not laughing. okay you caught me. at first he is mortified. then he is laughing uncontrollably. not many people can say they went so hard they knocked their partner off the bed. he will never brag in your presence. but you can guarantee he is telling the members all about it.

{ disclaimer : this is purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes only }

(taken from my tumblr: ahgaseda)

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