got7 reacts to you liking them back

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↝ mark: smirking like the little shit he is. bides his time to actually do something about it. eventually he scoots up next to you and shows you a photo of the two of you together. says he would prefer that to your current lockscreen because he looks a lot better in that photo. if you get bashful he will just smile and sweetly asks why youre getting so shy around him. will ask you to go out with him without hesitation now that he knows the feelings are mutual.

↝ jaebum: does a double take. so happy he could sing. starts racking his brain over what to do. suddenly calls your name when the two of you are hanging out and just as you turn to look at him you see hes aiming his phone and snapping a picture of you. then he sets it as his lockscreen and flaunts it in front of you. says its only fair that youre both even now. thats all he will say about that but he will definitely flirt with you more now.

↝ jackson: okay he totally the type to see the picture and grab your phone. wait im your lockscreen he would exclaim loudly. depending on your reaction he will adjust his response. if you get shy and embarrassed he will let you off the hook because hes a gentleman. if you stand your ground he will playfully banter with you. but no matter which way this goes he will make jokes about why the two of you arent already dating considering youre obviously in love.

↝ jinyoung: has no idea what to do with this information but you can guarantee he is going to agonize over it. just because he is your lockscreen doesnt mean you like him okay. this is the question that goes around in his head. because even though it gave him a vote of confidence that you might like him back he also has doubts because thats just how he is. hes not confident in that department but he will be a little less shy with you.

↝ youngjae: is in disbelief. starts daydreaming about the two of you going on dates. asks you if youre interested in anybody at the moment. is literally dying inside with excitement. may cutely ask who your lockscreen is. when youve been caught he will joke that he didnt mean to make things awkward. he the type to write you a little love note and give it to you later. says something along the lines of how cute it is that you take him with you everywhere.

↝ bambam: yeet. he is dancing. the butterflies in his stomach are bouncing around like ping pong balls. he will now bring this to everyones attention and proceed to taunt you for having such a massive crush on him. he will not be satisfied until you are chasing him around the room with the intent to potentially maim him. gives you a half assed apology and offers to make it up to you over dinner. he thinks he smooth. totally up to you if you wanna get revenge.

↝ yugyeom: cocky cocky cocky. keeps a watchful eye on you and the moment you unlock your phone to check something he is snatching it out of your hand. runs around the room with you chasing him as he goes through your camera roll to see what pictures you have of him. manages to take a selfie with you chasing him in the background. sets it as your lockscreen before finally giving you your phone back. takes you with him to get ice cream and calls it a date.

{ disclaimer : this is purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes only }

(taken from my tumblr: ahgaseda)

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