got7 reacts to rough housing with you too hard

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↝ mark: surprisingly play wrestling with mark will be a regular occurrence. he rather enjoys it when in the mood. but he is always careful to never go too far. hes aware of his own strength. in the event he gets a little too rough and you let out the slightest noise of discomfort or pain he will notice immediately. he will ask if youre okay and will start covering your face and neck in kisses until you forgive him. he may even tickle you a little bit until you smile or laugh.

↝ jaebum: he does not know his own strength. he likes playing around with you but is not too inclined to rough housing. too cool and chic for that or so he says. if you manage to instigate it with him he may accidentally go too far and not realize that he is much stronger than you are. like mark he is very intuitive and he will notice any discomfort on your part right away and will stop. he will baby you and feel horrible for hurting you. no matter how hard you try to convince him youre fine he wont believe you.

↝ jackson: play wrestling yes please. jackson lives for it. he will be all laughs and smiles throughout. he will let you pin him without fail and will always let you win. will constantly sneak kisses during wrestling. he is fully aware how strong he is and will be hyper aware of you when rough housing. on the rare rare rare instance he accidentally hurts you he will fall to pieces and will baby you quite a bit. that wont stop him from initiating another round of wrestling a few minutes later.

↝ jinyoung: how childish he says. but secretly he likes it. hurting you would be next to impossible because he will always hold back. he will rarely exert any actual strength. but he is ridiculously strong. the type to pin you gently right away and be like ha i win what are you going to do about it. will watch you squirm and try to escape and openly tease you. if he does get too rough he will make sure youre okay and then will playfully remind you that he told you this was a childish idea in the first place. will kiss you a lot if you pout.

↝ youngjae: this boy will surprise you. absolutely loves play wrestling with you but will get carried away. will rough house a bit too hard and wont realize until its too late. he will be too caught up in the moment to be more mindful of himself. the instant you so much as say ow or make any noise of discomfort he is unraveling. will ask if youre okay a thousand times. sticks to you like glue because he feels so bad. apologizes for not paying better attention to what he was doing.

↝ bambam: a big fan of wrestling with you. anything that involves you in his arms and his hands on your body is a good idea to him. will laugh constantly and taunts you without stop. is a total spaz and its hilarious. an endless flirt. more likely to injure himself than you to be honest. when he accidentally hurts you he may let a swear word or two go at himself. will try to laugh it off because he actually feels really bad. will snuggle you super hard to make sure youre not mad at him.

↝ yugyeom: this big baby is young and wild and may accidentally destroy you. just kidding. no but seriously he has no concept of how much larger and stronger he is than you are. when he gets into play wrestling with you he may not differentiate wrestling with you rather than wrestling with a fellow man. it may take him a few times to realize he needs to tone it down. if and when he accidentally gets too rough he will apologize immediately but will cluelessly keep trying to play. when it finally dawns on him that hes hurt you he will feel really guilty and might sulk.

{ disclaimer : this is purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes only }

(taken from my tumblr: ahgaseda)

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