got7 reacts to your friends being overprotective

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↝ mark: annoyed. this ruffles his feathers a little bit because you mean so much to him that someone even suggesting he would hurt you angers him. will shut down any doubts rather quickly. probably makes a joke that if he ever broke your heart he would give them permission to hurt him.

↝ jaebum: challenged. big bad leader rage might bubble beneath the surface. he may let an intimidating comment slip in retaliation but thats about it. he will rationalize that your friends are just being protective because they care about you. and that makes them alright in his book.

↝ jackson: impressed. this is a ballsy move in his opinion and he respects it. assures everyone they have nothing to worry about. wraps an arm around your waist to pull you close. kisses your cheek and jokes that your taste in friends is almost as good as your taste in men.

↝ jinyoung: offended. his trademark glare and judging look will be plastered on his face but he wont argue. he will take the threat in stride and make it appear as to not bother him at all. he may even laugh it off but inside hes steaming and will probably speak in fluent sarcasm for a while.

↝ youngjae: composed. he will brush it aside and take it for what its worth. truth be told this will have little to no effect on him. he will see it as an empty threat because he has no intention of hurting you and he doubts any of your friends are capable of murder.

↝ bambam: amused. he finds this funny. theres no way in hell he would ever hurt you his baby but he appreciates the gesture. would probably get along great with your friends after this to be honest. playfully teases that soon your friends will like him more than you.

↝ yugyeom: surprised. more than anything hes a little stunned at the boldness of this statement. he may defend himself a bit because he wants your friends to be more accepting of him. will probably feel a little awkward until they warm up to him.

{ disclaimer : this is purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes only }

(taken from my tumblr: ahgaseda)

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