got7 reacts to being left alone with their newborn

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↝ mark: is not the least bit worried. has a lazy day in with the baby. both of them stay in their pajamas. literally has the infant on his chest while he plays overwatch. when the baby gets fussy he talks calmly to them in a low soft voice. oh whats the matter? constantly kisses them on the forehead. is generally unbothered about feeding and changing diapers. pats their back until they go back to sleep and he keeps gaming. texts you with updates frequently because he knows you miss the baby.

↝ jaebum: has so much pride. wants desperately to call you for help. but doesnt dare. however he will call his mom quite often for advice. has natural paternal instincts and is very intuitive. recognizes the nature of the babys cries right away. uh oh someone is hungry. im hungry too lets eat. catches himself just stopping and staring at the baby like wow i made this. will call you to thank you for giving him this baby. always sleeps next to the crib when the baby naps and will hum a tune until they both fall asleep.

↝ jackson: sends you constant selfies of him with the baby. offended if you do not respond immediately. will be a very big fan of baby yoga. never stops interacting with the kid for a second. oh my goodness you are so beautiful. wow i make such perfect offspring. kisses them constantly. hates when they cry. will frantically but methodically try to figure out the problem. smiles with pride when they are happy again. walks around shirtless with the baby resting on his shoulder. tries to show them got7 music videos on his phone.

↝ jinyoung: puffs out his chest. this is his moment. this is when he proves that he is the ultimate dad. this baby is his center of gravity since the day of their birth. sings softly when the newborn fusses. will read quietly while the baby sleeps on his stomach or chest. will just hold them and stare in wonder. blows raspberries on the babys tummy. will cry when the baby smiles at him. wakes up immediately at the sound of a tiny whimper. pretends to be annoyed when you call to check on him like excuse you i know what im doing.

↝ youngjae: talks to the baby constantly. narrates everything hes doing in a singing voice. here comes the bottle sweet sunshine of my life. oh god how can someone so small make such a big poop? that was a powerful burp im so proud of you! tries to introduce coco to the baby. is not happy until both of his children are snuggled comfortably on the sofa to watch a drama with him. loves to just hold the baby and talk to them about everything. cannot sleep a wink until you come back.

↝ bambam: has his mother secretly move in while youre away. believes his baby is too fragile to be left without expert professional help. to his surprise his mama will make him take an active role in caring for the baby. is a lot firmer with him than you are. helps when needed. but makes him do more until he gets the hang of it. constantly takes pics of the baby because its the cutest thing he has ever seen. playfully fusses at you for leaving him to fend for himself but mama bhuwakul already texted you that she was there.

↝ yugyeom: calls you every five minutes. texts you every other minute. needs to be reassured that hes doing very well. dances gently around the room with the baby held to his chest when they fuss. never puts the baby down not even for a second. is amazed at just how small they are especially in his big hands. dreads changing diapers because diapers are complicated. will definitely call his mom in a panic. up all night because the baby wont stop crying. when you come home he is passed out on the floor next to the sleeping bundled baby.

{ disclaimer : this is purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes only }

(taken from my tumblr: ahgaseda)

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