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*present* - 02/9/18 - 7:47

I walked into school. Already knowing the "routine" . I had already predicted it, as soon as i walked in i got shoved into the wall. It was Ethan..Ethan Dolan. I hated him so much.

"Watch where you're going bitch!" Ethan yelled in my face as he ACCIDENTALLY shoved me into the wall.
Followed up behind was..

"Yeah Slut !" and "Move it fat ass" said his twin brother Grayson and his best friend Diego.

Those words didn't bother me because i'm already used to them. AND THEY SAY IT EVERY SINGLE DAY!! Now it's just annoying and i already expect it coming .

The bell rang and I was walking to class hoping not to be late cause i had my class on the upper level of the high school. I walked in class barely made it. I sat in the back where i usually sit. I had this class with Diego, Ethan, Alex, and Desiree. They all bully me and harass me and all that stuff.

"Today we have a test," said Mr. Wright . This is my Chemistry class . I've always hated it, but i had to smile or else i would get a bad grade or someone would notice that i seemed off.

*Everyone Sighed*

Ethan looked back at me and smirked . I looked down at my desk and thought *this is disgusting*
Mr.Wright handed out the test. I finished after about 20 mins, it was only 15 questions . I took my time and made sure I marked the right questions. *BELL RANG*

"Whew", i said while wiping my forehead walking out of the room. Something then grabbed my arm and pull me into a different the class room that no one was in..


"Sup, Bitch!" Desiree said .

"What do you w-" before i finished she tried throwing a punch at me. But i dodged and grabbed her arm and twisted it slightly, but not too much break it. But enough to make sure she wouldn't be able to touch me again. She screamed in pain. I ran out of the class before she could catch me or before anyone could. But of course someone could catch me. Someone yanked on the backpack pulling me to the ground.

"Hi", Alex said . "Let's see what we have here" , someone said coming out of a dark corner. Once he stepped out of the dark and into the light i saw him. It was Ethan..Ethan Dolan once again.

"Nice Jobs Boys," Ethan said smirking while looked at me. Then all of a sudden a bag come over my face.

As soon as you know it I was being dragged into a room . i didn't know where i was. I couldn't breath. I couldn't see. I couldn't move. It was like I was paralyzed. Then i heard someone say something.

"Ohh, well well" a familiar voice said . I tried taking the bag off my head. But i couldn't move, my hands were tied to something.

Someone removed the bag from my head and i saw it was Grayson. That bastard! i said in my head.

"We are going to have a little treat tonight" Grayson said while licking his lips and staring at me from top to bottom. But i knew he talked about me that way. He came closer to me , and said ..

"I know you want it babygirl". I moved my head so that i wasn't facing him. He gently grabbed my chin, making me facing him. Face to Face..my eyes meet his. I was scared, and confused and all these mixed emotions. I can't take it . But then something hit me..

Grayson's fist came flying at my face. I leaned backed and dodged it. My hands were tied so i couldn't really do anything. I leaned back too much and couldn't get my balance and fell to the ground. Then i started to get kicked in the stomach by Grayson's group of friends. I pass out, from all the blood i lost from being beaten..

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