F I V E - ME

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*present* -Caleigh's P.O.V

I saw the light. Someone was telling me not to go towards it. But it was like it was sucking me in, forcing me to go. It Wants ME to be with it. The person yelling at me not to was a familiar voice. But i couldn't quite remember. All of a sudden i felt a sharp pain in my chest. I rose up from my bed, opening my eyes wide. I felt like i just got shot.

"Shh..it's okay," someone said i looked over it was Grayson. "Thank God you're okay" he said letting a tear slip. I looked at him with fear..why did he hope i was okay? Why wasn't he hurting me, and hitting me and attacking me and..and..and why was he crying. did he actually care for me?

"Hey, look it's alright, everything's going to be okay. I'm not going to hurt you." Grayson said.

I sat there in shock, frozen, couldn't move.

"I'm going to get the nurses and tell them you're up and awake," Grayson said. I nodded

As Grayson walked out, Ethan. Ethan came in. I was still frozen and in shock and scared. Ethan came over and hugged me making sure i was okay . He comforted me, i felt safe.

Grayson came in and told us i was good to go. We pack our things, and headed out. Ethan said that he would take me home but i didn't want to. I wanted to walk and have some alone time. He said he didn't want me alone, just in case something happens. I didn't listen and started to walk, pretending like i ignored him. After all he's my bully he could take me somewhere dangerous and hurt me. While i was walking i felt someone grab my arm and started to carry me. Flipping me on their shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN!!" i screamed. But then i realized it was Ethan. His scent. I could smell it. It was Ethan. So i just let him carry me cause there isn't any point in fighting. He just too strong for me. Surprisingly Ethan carried me all the way back to my house. I guess he meant it when he didn't want me walking alone.

He put me down on my bed. He was on top of me. I got scared. He kissed the top of my forehead and layed next to me. I turned my back toward him. I felt his arm wrap around my waist. I felt warm, but i wasn't cold. Right there, i dozed off and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning. I looked next to me and Ethan was dead asleep. I carefully got out of bed without waking him up. I went into the bathroom. I looked at myself, i touched my stomach. I jumped.

"You are beautiful," i turned to see it was only Ethan. I blushed, he lifted my chin and pecked my lips.

"Caleigh..i'm going to be straight forward." Ethan said. I looked at him with confusion.
"Caleigh, i really like you. I know that i've been so mean to you. And i want to apologize for that. I'm truly sorry, i only did it because i-i needed to keep my reputation. I also, realized that you didn't do anything to me. I didn't mean to hurt you, well..i didn't think i would hurt you this much. I am so so so truly sorry." Ethan said to me with sorrow and worry in his eyes.

I just looked at him, speechless. I didn't know how or what to say. Instead I leaned in and kissed him. I kissed him with passion, i realized i had feelings for him. But i've just never deeply thought about it. His lips. His lips were warm. This was the best feeling i've felt in a really long time. I felt sparks. Like he gave off a type of electricity when i kissed him. I pulled away. I weakly smiled at him. He looked at me.

"I love you too," i said.

Hope you guys are liking it! (:

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