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*Ethan's P.O.V* - Present Sunday

Kissing Caleigh was like a dream. Her lips were soft and innocent. It was Angelic in a way. It gave me butterflies in my stomach the instant her lips smashed into mine. i've always wanted to do this. She pulled back.

"I love you." she said. I never thought i'd hear those words.

"I love you too," i said tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"I'm going to go downstairs and get something to eat okay?" she says. I nod my head.

I lay back on the bed and go on my phone. I hear screaming from downstairs. I ran downstairs, Caleigh was on the floor. A man was kicking her, I ran over there and threw the man off her. I started to punch him. I a few punches until he was unconscious.

" ETHAN! STOP!" i hear Caleigh. So i did.

I ran up to her and picked her up in my arms and ran outside to my car. I hugged her tightly.

"Are you okay?" i asked. She didn't reply, after a few seconds she said yea.

I knew she was lying. I then just held her in my arms and kept her close to my body. Not letting anyone hurt her, protecting her is what i did.

*Caleigh's P.O.V*

I woke up in Ethan's arms. He was warm, for once i felt safe and comfortable near him. I was glad he was here. I moved my arm a bit and i woke him up.

"Hey, are you okay now?" Ethan asked. I nodded my head.

We decided to go out to eat. Since we didn't eat yet. Tomorrow we had school. I was super tired, but i mean that's teenage life right? We got to the restaurant and got a reservation for two. I started falling asleep at the table. So unprofessional. I couldn't help it i was tired as heck. I felt something touch the side of my face.

"Wake up sleepy head," Ethan Said. I sat up and smiled at him. Our food was here i was so hungry.

We finished eating and decided to head to Ethan's house. When we arrived i was scared. What if Grayson was here. Oh wait...i just remembered. He has feelings for me. I all of a sudden felt guilt run through my body. I walked in, luckily i didn't see grayson just yet.

" I'm going to use the restroom," i told Ethan. I was walking around the house to find the bathroom.

As i was walking i was about to open a door to check if it was the bathroom. I hear moaning and grunts coming from the door. So i peek in. It was Grayson. And this brunette chick under him. Grayson looked over at me. He saw me. I looked at him direct eye contact. His eyes were filled with rage. The brunette chick smirked at me.

"O-oh s-sorry," i stuttered. I walked out closing the door behind me. I tried to stay calm. I felt mad and hurt. But wait , maybe i'm catching feelings for Grayson too. I can't pick both of them. I started heading for the door, someone grabbed my wrist and threw my against the wall. Grayson.

"WHAT THE FUCK CALEIGH!!" Grayson yelled. i just looked at him, scared. He was going to hit me, i just know he will. He's mad and i'm scared nothing gets better than that.

"I d-didn't know. I'm s-sorry." i stuttered with fear.

*Grayson's P.O.V*

I saw Caleigh walk out the door. I hopped off the bed throwing my clothes on. I see her walking towards the door. i grab her wrists and pin her to the wall. I yelled at her. I could see she was scared of me. I felt bad, but i was really angry towards her. I couldn't help it. I then grabbed her by the neck and threw her on the ground. I started punching her. Grayson what are you doing? i thought you loved her? Grayson stop beating her! Grayson what the hell! GRAYSON!! *in my head*

"GRAYSON!" Ethan yelled at me while pulling me off.

I see Caleigh there laying on the floor. What did I do..

I ran back to Caleigh. I picked her up and held her in my arms.

"I'm so sorry.." i whispered. She looked at me. In her eyes was fear. But she nodded as in saying it's okay. I hugged her tightly. I felt so bad for what i've done. I couldn't forgive myself. I love her or

I loved her.

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