S E V E N T E E N -

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*Cal pov*

I woke up in alex's arms. Man do i love him. I tried to wiggle out of his grip. But failed and woke him up.


"hi" he kissed my forehead.

I sat up.

"I need to talk to you Alex," i was kinda nervous what if he didn't like me back.

"I do too, you can go first." He looked at me. I nodded.

"Alex, i really like you. I understand if you don't like me back. I hope this won't ru-," I got interrupted.

His lips crashed into mine. He lips so plump and soft. I loved this. It felt like heaven. He bit my bottom lip asking for entrance. I let him in. (i have no ideas i can't think lol)

By now it was turning into a heated make-out.

It was progressing pretty fast.

I tugged on his shirt. He took it off. breaking the kiss, letting me have a second to admire his body. Gotta admit he's prett-

And we're back to kissing. I took off my shirt. the only thing off was my shirt he still had his pants. He started to pull down my pants.


we both look at each other.

"shit," he whispered.

I told him to go hide in the bathroom. and then on the shower to pretend he was taking a shower.

"COME IN!" i yelled.

"he- why do u not have a shirt on?"

"i was..just got out of the shower," i stuttered.

"Well i know that's a lie, but okay," he smirked.

I just stared at him.

"Well since you know, Alex and I are dating..i hope you're not mad." i said with my head down.

"Hey..hey i'm happy for you guys, i'll always be here no matter what." he re assured me.

i just smiled at him.

"HEY GUYS!" alex came out of the bathroom.

"hey.." cam said.

I just looked at him.

He gave me a 'what' look back.

I playfully rolled my eyes.

We all were talking about the future and planning a vacation maybe.

Then we got a bit off topic.

"what happens if mark comes back?" i asked.

"it'll be okay, well be right here. Through everything, even if some bad things happen." Alex said.

"Yea, we always will be here. Through thick and thin." Cam said.

I just smiled at them both. I hugged them. I kissed them both on the cheek.

We're all beat friends i could them right?

But Alex is different.

*next week* cause i'm lazy :)

"Alex we need to talk." i said quietly

He nodded his head and i pulled him into the janitors closet.

"I think we should stay friends." "it better that way,"

what's going to happen?
what will alex say?
why do u like caleigh wanted to stay friends?

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