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*Cal's POV*

I was walking to my house. I had put on my ripped clothes. You basically see my everything, same to not having clothes but a little more covered you know? But i didn't care cause at the point. I don't give a fuck. Honestly, after today or soon. They won't have to see my naked body walking around the city anymore. So there's nothing to worry about.

I recently just called Cam and Alex. I don't really feel like talking or seeing them right now. but i need them, they're my best friends. They've always been there.

I finally got home. I saw Alex and Cam sitting on the couch. I was sneaking to my room. Someone touch my shoulder.

I flinched and winched. I got scared.

"Jeez, it's just me," Alex had said. He looked at me.. "What the fuck Cal..what happened," "was it those Fucking twins cause i swea-," i cut him of and put my hand over his mouth.

"Shh.." i whispered. Then i think Cam heard us and ran over to us. He looked at me, looked up and down(not in a sexual way) .

"What happened," he spoke.

I took them upstairs. I looked at them.

"Mark." i had said.

They didn't say anything. They just sat up beside me and hugged me. It felt like forever. I missed them. I missed this.

Then i told them everything that happened including Grayson and Ethan.

They didn't say anything, they just looked at me. I laid back down. And they laid with me. I fell asleep in between both of them. They we cuddling me. I felt safe. Finally safe for once.

I loved my best friends. I love how they're so supportive and amazing and perfect. It can go on and on. I looked at Alex, hes cute when sleeps, i love him so much as friends though. I looked at Cameron, hes cute when he sleeps too. I love them both so much. I feel me drift off to sleep..


*next morning*

I woke up. Cameron was gone. I got up and went to my desk. I saw a note.

Hey Cal, i had to go home. I'm so sorry i can't be there. Alex is still there? Well is he is then, i still wish i could be there. My mom wanted me home for something.

Love you, Cam xoxo

I looked down at my clothes. I was in complete nice not ripped clothes. I was wearing sweats with a loose shirt. I didn't have a bra on. I always felt more comfortable being lose and "free" i guess.

But how did i change. Omg i'm freaking out right now. I can't move.

"Hey..hey what's wrong," i looked over and see it's alex.

"um my clothes are change and i don't have a bra on.." i said.

"Don't worry about it, i changed your clothes and i knew you don't like wearing bras when u sleep so i yea.." "Nothing weird, we use to take bathes when we were young, I've seen u naked before it's fine." he said.

"Well, thank you i guess," i said. "So u saw me naked??"

"Yeaa..you're really hot," he said, i playfully punched his shoulder. We both laugh.

"I'm just kidding, but you are!" he said. I roll my eyes. I go to take a shower.

I finished taking a shower and went to go grab something to eat. I grabbed an apple and went back upstairs. I sat in my bed on turned on my tv to netflix and binge watch 13rw . (i didn't know what other show so yea)

Alex was in the shower so i just waited for him to finish.

"Hey," i said as Alex came out of the bathroom. Having a towel wrapped around his waist. I looked him up and down. To be honest he was pretty hot.

"You likey?" he asked playfully.

I gave him a death glare. I did like it. But don't tell anyone.

He started to unwrap the towel and put some clothes on. I quickly covered my eyes.

"It's okay babygirl," he said. I could tell he smirked cause It's alex.

Anyways Alex got done changing and hoped into bed with me. We cuddled, as friends ofc. He comforted me, he still does. It feels safe and comfortable knowing that i have someone ny my side with me.

I was awoken by Alex getting a phone call.

He wasn't saying anything.

"Alex what happened?" he didn't answer.

Alex POV

I got a phone call. I picked it up.

"Hello, this is the hospital calling that you're mother is currently in the hosptial. She is suffering from, head trauma and a couple other injuries. It is believed that she was in a car accident, it was a hit and run. So we do not yet know who it was."

I immediately hung up and started crying. I felt Caleigh basically jump on me. Hold me in her arms. I love her. Her touch is so passionate. She really cares for me. I just love her so much. And what hurts is she doesn't love me back. Not like how i love her.

*Cal PoV*

He looked like he was on the verge of tears. I immediately hugged him. I still didn't know what had happened. We laid there for hours. It felt like forever. I am now returning the favor for him. I hugged him. Kept him close. He started crying more and more. I really hope he's okay. Well he obviously isn't but i still don't know what happened. I've tried asking him, but he won't answer and just keeps crying and crying. I love him.

Maybe even more than a best friend.

Heyy, hope you're enjoying the story :)

Caleigh doesn't know Alex loves her?

Alex doesn't know Caleigh Loves him?

What's going to happen?

What happened to Grayson and Ethan ?

What's Mark going to do?

What's going to happen?

- Word Count - 1002

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