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(couldn't really find a song but it gets better as you read:) (play and read^)

This chapter contains *mature content*
Somewhat sexually not in a good way and suicidal thought. not too much though.

*Mark's Pov (little unexpected?)

She felt so good. it felt so amazing to be in her again. She was my angel. She was mine. I had control over her. She was mine and ONLY mine. Luckily i ran into some old friends of mine. The ones and only Grayson and Ethan Dolan. Man we had so much fun when we were younger. We've all changed so much. A little more mature..a lil more immature. You could say. But G and E were like my best friends. We were inseparable. Back in New Jersey. In around 1st grade.

I was a loner. Gray and Ethan were like "popular kids of 1st grade" funny right? But i would get bullied and i wouldn't ever have anything to eat. One day, G and E came over to me to help me out. They gave me part of their lunch. They were really nice as kids. Well they still are today but i think they could be a bit more ..hmm mean? i guess. They're too nice. But then we started hanging out, everyday..all day. After school go over to each other's houses. We lived down the street from each other. Not too far. On weekends we would spend the night at each other's . It was like one big miracle. I don't know where i would be without them. They were a big role in my life. But as long as they don't know about Caleigh and I . I will be on my way. They were always, bigger tougher than me. I was still slightly frightened by them. They could do anything. And could hurt you very easily. It's scary.  (anyways back to Caleigh)
still Marks pov .

She looked life less, but i knew she was still alive. Her face expression less. No feelings. She doesn't feel anything. She still felt like heaven.

There was banging on the door. I knew it was G and E but i ignored it. I looked back at Caleigh to see her reaction. Still same old face, no expressions. But she was still beautiful and amazing. I kinda feel bad for what i've done but she made me feel amazing. So much pleasure i couldn't take it. It made me feel so good about myself. But i told her to promise not to do anything, not to say anything to ANYONE. Or she goes bye bye. Or she can take punishments..

*Caleigh Pov*

I felt empty. He took everything in me, in my life and ripped it out of my body. He took my soul. He took my body, literally.

There was Pounding and Banging on the door. But i ignored it. It was obvious nothing was going to help me. But oh well. He finally stopped and pull out of me. He laid down next to me.

"I missed you baby, I missed doing this to you," he said. I heard him, but it's like i couldn't move. Like i had no muscle to move. I had no motivation. He then in cuffed me and untied me. Leaving me there, laying. Naked, exposed in the open. not like i cared anyways. He dressed him self . He opened the door as he left he whipsered.

"Bye princess, hope to see you soon,"

I got goosebumps still couldn't move. Then Grayson and Ethan came rushing in.

"Oh..i'm sorry i shouldn't look," They both said at the same time. Hilarious, but i couldn't find the nerve to laugh. Or to speak.

They both decided just to look at me. But they looked sad and idk anymore.
They came over to help me. I finally got the muscle to move. I shoved them off me.

"Leave me alone..please," i said quietly. They just looked at me weirdly. I managed to get up. My legs so sore, but i learned to hide it. but i think they noticed.

"You don't have to hide it," Gray said.

"It's what i'm suppose to do, i'm used to it." i said. They gave me weird looks, but i ignored it. Like i always do.

I put on my clothes and tried walking out. I stumbled a little but i got the hang of it, the longer i started walking . Oh shoot ..Alex and Cam. I forgot.

I called them and told them that i was just out and i was safe. Nothing to worry about. I'm going to tell them. Later, when i get home. They're probably staying at my house for a while.Just for comfort, specially after i tell them. But i'll tell them soon. Maybe tomorrow?
Or Next week?
Next month?
Next Year?


I've realize that i write these stories so late in the night or early in the morning lol keep reading for news :)

Hey guys! thank you for 126 views! and #130 AlexGuzman

Even thought this isn't really a Alex fan fic, i can make it into one. Just to spice things up ya know? Adding the Dolan twins and Alex and all them ;)

Well share this story with your friends! Let try 200 views? Set a goal!!

When do y'all start school again? but anyways it's 2:30am (i wrote this write after writing last chapter cause i couldn't wait lol)

I'll try uploading a few times a week? specially with  school coming. I'm really not that busy of a person so i have some free time on my hands :)


Stay amazing <3

- 966 words! lol not that amazing but thehe

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