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Caleigh's P.O.V

Grayson picked me up. I felt fear but warmth. He had just attacked me. He was mad. He had told me he didn't mean it. I believe him because i trust him. I mean he's not a bad person. Just a bit rough on the edges. But i love him. I always will, not matter what.

My face and stomach hurt, from you know..yeah. I dozed off falling asleep again.

I woke up in a room. It was Grayson's. I quickly got up from his bed, winching in pain. I headed for the door. I was trying to leave. But i think Grayson heard me. As i was heading for the front door. Someone grabbed my arm again, it was grayson again.

"No..don't go stay over." Grayson said

"We have school," I said

"I'll drop you off at school, we can go together." he replied

I nodded. I went to sit down on the couch. Grayson sat next to me. He put his arm around me. I moved weirdly, i felt uncomfortable. He noticed and removed his arm.

"Sorry," Grayson said rubbing his neck.

"It's all good," i replied.

Then Ethan came in the living room and sat down next to me. I was now in the middle of the both of them. I felt awkward. Very awkward. So i got up and walked around the house and into a random bedroom. I walked around the bed, my fingers running along the bedding. So soft and warm. Then arms wrap around my waist. I smiled. Ethan. I turned around and kissed him. Sparks lit up and my stomach got butterflies. He lips so warm and soft. I can feel him smiling through the kiss. He pulled back.

"So..i have so news." Ethan said. I looked at him with a confused face.

"I bought tickets to go to the Bahamas!" Ethan said in excitement.

I felt so happy. Two days ago they were my bullies, now they're like my best friends. And Ethan. He likes my boyfriend. I think i may be falling for him.

"We go in a week. After schools over." Ethan said. I looked at him and smiled. Then pecked his lips.

*skip to next week* (cause i'm lazy lol)

"READY?" i hear Ethan yell.

"YEAH, COMING RIGHT DOWN," i yelled back in reply.

I was just finished packing. I ran downstairs with my suitcase. We're going to go for a week. Then come back. Back home. Grayson was coming as well, along with Alex, Diego, and Cameron.

We're hopped in the car. Ethan and Grayson in the front. Alex, Diego in the middle. Me and Cameron in the very back. I felt different like a new me. I wasn't as scared anymore. Knowing that they won't hurt me. Or at least i hope they don't. I got interrupted day-dreaming.

"Hey, sorry about everything," Cameron said. I just looked at him. "I really am, Caleigh."

"I can't except your apology just yet," i smirked and looked back out the window. I was excited.

We arrived at the Airport, i hopped out the car and grabbed all my belongings. We all walked to the Airport. We went through security, everyone got checked and was perfectly fine. Thank goodness. We went to find our gate. As they were finding our gate, I saw they had a Starbucks so I went over there to go get something. I was ordering and about to give the cashier my card. Then someone went in front of me. They stood there for a while. Then left. I gave the cashier my card. She refused it and said someone had already payed for it. I look at her confused. How can someone already pay for it?

Well anyways I got my Starbucks and walked over to the gate. I finished my Coffee and breakfast sandwich. Just in time to be called, to start boarding. They scanned my ticket and we walked in. The plane seemed huge, but it was really not the big. I've just never been a fancy kinda girl. I'm just simple, old and basic. I found my seat and quickly sat myself down. Ethan day next to me along with Alex.

"Hey, babygirl," Alex says. I looked at him and didn't do anything. I just ignored him. A few seconds later he put his hands on my thigh and rubbed it with his thumb. I felt incredibly uncomfortable. I looked at him. He just smirked and took his hand off my thigh. I thought to myself what is wrong with these boys. Touchy specially because they know i don't want them.

I looked out the window. Such a beautiful view. The sky was setting just barely. The colors of the sky of purple pink, yellow, orange. So many others colors. I couldn't wait till we get there. I was so excited. I then fell asleep. Peacefully, it was the most relaxing, exciting, precious..moment of my life.

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Sorry if i made some mistakes i made this very early in the morning or "night" it is 3:56am when i am writing this. lol i'm not going to sleep :))

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