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Caleigh's P.O.V

I looked on my phone. I got a text. A text from my dad. Asking me where i was and that i shouldn't texted him before, I left. Making it sound like he was worried. Well weird right? a few weeks ago my dad hated me to death.

Ethan walked in.

"what's happened?" He asked.

"Nothing," I lied.

He layed next to me on the bed on snook he arm around my waist. He pulled me closer to him. Then there was a knock on the door. I got up to check. There was a lady, maybe the owner?

"Hello, a complaint for noise from the neighbors. We all would appreciate it if u guys kept it down a bit." She smiled. But her smile was a mischievous smile. It made me suspicious.

"Who was it?" Ethan asked.

"Just a noise complaint letter," I replied.

He smirked. I just laughed at him and tackled him onto the bed. He started to tickle me.

"Stoppp!" i screamed, laughing.

Alex and Grayson bust through the door.

"What's going on??" Alex questioned.

They all saw Ethan tickling me. Then it got worse. They all jumped onto the bed and tickled me. I swear i couldn't breath and i was going to pass out. They all stopped, maybe noticing i wasn't breathing.

"Thank you!" i said, "I couldn't breath!"

They all just laughed. I joined them laughing. It was late so we all went to our rooms. Ethan and i cuddled until we fell asleep.

"I love you," Ethan whispered.

"I love you too E," I replied. I could sense him smiling.

*Morning* last day

I woke up to my alarm at 8:00. It was our last day. I kissed Ethan to wake him up, it worked.(btw they're bf and gf now) We all met up in Alex and Gray's room. We all decided to go to the Club. We all arrived at around 3pm our flight was at 2:45am. So we had some time to have Some Funn!

When we got to the club we all immediately went to find the bar. I was the first one to find it, so i ordered some drinks. I took 4 shots before the rest got here. I could feel it getting to me. I saw a man coming towards a room. I didn't know was going on. He threw my on the bed and tied my hands to the end of the bed. I screamed and fought trying to him off of me, but he was too strong. He started to rip my clothes off, i had a revealing dress and he rip parts of it, trying to get it off. I screamed and screamed. But know one heard me. He yanked off my underwear and threw them on the ground. He started to unbuckle his pants. He pulled the down. He took off his "shorts" and thrusted into me. I screamed in pain. Then the door opened.

"Oh sor-," Someone said.

"C-Caleigh?" they said. It was Grayson, "Hey! Get off of her," Gray said while he grabbed him and threw on the ground. He started punching him until he looked unconscious. Grayson untied my hands, and gave me his hoodie. It was very big and loose on me. It was down to my knees so it covered my body, well most of it. Tonight was wack, but it wasn't over yet.

As i was walking to the exit with Grayson, i saw a slightly open door. I peeked and saw a dark haired girl, with a brown hair guy. It was Ethan. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. I didn't even care or bother that was fucking another girl. He was LITERALLY inside her. But it killed me inside. I saw him. Then Grayson grabbed me and walked us out.

"I'm so sorry," Gray said.

"Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything," I weakly smiled. I hugged Grayson. I felt safe and warm. I love him as a friend. A best friend only.

It was 10pm. We had to head back. To get ready to pack for the trip back home. Gray called everyone and we all headed back. It was so awkward because i knew Ethan had "cheated" . I didn't want to talk about it. Specially with everyone here.

"Why are you too so quiet, you guys would usually be smashing each other's lips." Diego says.

"I don't wanna kiss those lips with someone else's scent on them." I said, with sass.

"Ooooooouu," everyone said beside, Gray and Ethan.

I hated him he broke me. I got broke for the 3 time already. I use to get bullied by them. I get abused by my father. And now...now Ethan cheated. I feel broken. And like something in me has been ripped out. My heart doesn't feel anymore. Specially by the fact, that. The girl was some i saw before. Like i knew her. Then it hit me, the lady at the door. Wow..i couldn't believe it. She did seem suspicious. But Ethan..really Ethan.

*Ethan's P.O.V*

I cheated on Caleigh, i no longer have feelings for her. I saw the girl, instantly i thought she was gorgeous. I wanted her, not Caleigh anymore, HER. Her name was Jade. Beautiful name. I didn't want to talk to Caleigh about it. I think she already got the idea of what i mean.

I returned to my senses. I almost forgot we we're driving. As i came back to my senses

"Ethan!!" Everyone yelled. I looked up i saw the railing of the edge of the mountain. I quickly turned the car. Then in front of me was a wall, dividing this side of the road from the other side. Everyone started screaming. Except for Caleigh. i turned around. It's like she had no emotion. Like she didn't care if we crashed. It's was like she knew we we're going to crash, but wouldn't mind. I looked back out the windshield. We we're so close to the wall. I slammed on the brakes. We we're just not even an inch in front of the wall. Barely and inch.

I quickly asked everyone if they were okay. We almost died who would be okay. I looked at Caleigh, she looked fine. Completely fine and calm.


i thought.

Caleigh wants her life to end.

*in ethan's head*

What have i done? i shouldn't have. but i don't love her, only as a friend. I don't want her anymore. I want Jade.

tehe hope you enjoyed!! ask questions for Caleigh, Gray, Ethan, Alex, Diego, Cameron, and Jade?

Word Count - 1095 !

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