T H I R T E E N -

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(play the song^ ..to get a the vibe ig) continue reading.

*Caleigh's P.O.V*

i woke up, next to me was Alex. God i love him so much. he so sweet, caring, and Cuteee. I mean a lot of boys are but no. Alex is Cuteee.

I totally forgot about Cameron, i careful got out of bed. Trying not to wake up Alex. I was walking downstairs, i found Cameron passed out on the couch. I looked at the clock it was 8:57am. Oh sh!t, we're going to be late. But wait, you know what. Who gives a fu€k anymore. We already missed a couple periods. So it won't hurt will it. Well i'm skipping today's school.

I walk over to Cameron.

"Cam," i say, he groans trying to open his eyes to look at me.

"It 8:59am now, do you wanna go to school. Or stay with me?" i asked. I just realized that he was sleeping and probably went back to sleep. I'm taking that as a yes i want to skip.

I walk back up stairs, to look for Alex and tell him about school.

He still passed out on my bed. Damn isn't he Cuteee. I walked over and shook him.

"alexxxxx.." i whine.

"mhm" is all he respond with.

"School or no school?" i asked.

He looks at me then goes back to sleep.

Damn these boys are lazy today. Wonder why. Well i did..well probably.. welll...most likely gave them a hard time yesterday. I ran away without warning.

Then it hit me, Grayson. I totally forgot all about him. You know what, i'm going to school. Cause i'm not a bad girl. Or maybe i am. I just need to keep my grades up or my father will seriously be mad.  Considering he's changed a lot. He now is nice. He has a high paying job. He's been a little distant and not home as much . But it's probably because his job. But i think he might be seeing someone.. i wonder.

Anyways i got ready and grabbed my keys.

"GOING TO SCHOOL, SEE YA LATER!" i yelled as exiting the door.

*At school*

I entered the doors . Halls were empty i checked the time. 10:23am . It was 3 period now. I headed up the flight of stairs and into room 36 . My Math class. I unfortunately had it with both twins. Couldn't get worse.

"Ms. Grey, you're late." Mrs.Kate says.

"Obviously," i responded. I didn't really give any craps. But as long as i get my grades. I have nothing else to worry about anything anymore.
But i could feel myself getting stares from people. Especially, Graysons and Ethan. I created a group chat for Cam, Alex and me.

Me: At school, food into fridge if y'all hungry.

Cam: Just woke up thanks.

Alex: might show up later.

Cam: Yeah me too.

Me: Alright, cya

*Lunch end of period*

I started heading out the classroom. When my arm got pulled back in. But leading me into a different part of the classroom, like a secret closet..but whatever. 

I eventually noticed that Grayson was the one that pulled me in.

"Wha" i got cut off by Grayson's lips crashing into mine.

I backed away Grayson.

"Grayson, i can't right now. I'm sorry, you have nothing to do with why i'm leaving, trust me." i said as i was leaving the classroom.

I hopped into my car and drove to the store to get some cigarettes and other beverages. I don't smoke but i do drink sometimes. As i was waiting online to pay, i automatically thought about Alex and Cam.

Me: Hey guys, i'm at the store..not coming home any time soon. So if you go to the house. I'll leave some money if you need it for pizza or whatever. Don't worry about me!
(i'm too lazy to switch p.o.vs. Its 4:30am rn thehe)

I quickly go home and leave 100 dollars on the counter then getting back into my car and driving to a lake near by. I sit on a bench hold my alcohol. I take a few drinks before i'm feeling a bit tipsy.

I just decide to stay out here on the bench. It eventually becomes cold and it wearing sweats and a shirt m. Even thought i have sweats i'm still freezing. I feel my eye lids get heavier and heavier.

Then i feel like i can't breathe. I can't see anything. I can't really feel. Maybe because it was so cold? hopefully, wait what if i'm kidnapped again. I feel the bag being lifted off my head and my vision fixs on a figure. Tall, broad shoulders, looks very muscular. But i was disgusted at who it was. I could believe this is what would happen. how could he?!?

"Hey baby girl..did ya miss me?"

Hey peeps! enjoying? well if u don't mind.

Any ways thank you for everything and love you (:

How does Caleigh feel about Grayson?
Should she be careful?
Who was the one that kidnapped her?
Did she get kidnapped? Or was it like someone wanted you to be with them?

Is she falling for Alex??

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