F O U R T E E N -

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(play and read^) doesn't really goes with but going find one:)

This chapter contains *mature content*
Somewhat sexually not in a good way and suicidal thought.

*Cal's P.O.V*

"hey baby girl..did you miss me?".

I did not dare to look up. He voice was so familiar i hated to realize who it was. FUCK..am i so screwed. I'm probably going to die.

"princess..look at me," he said. "Or i'm going to force you, you will get punished."

I looked up..Mark. Mark, Mark, Mark, Mark. And even worse. The twins. Joined next to him. Fucking, Fuck am i fucked. (sorry for the language, i think it's kinda funny lol..anyways.)

Mark was very abusive. Toxic. Really what you never wanted in a relationship. i ended up almost killing myself, because of HIM. It just gets worse and worse. He would always beat me, and rape me. All the possible things u could think of. Back when i lived in Washington. Me and him were the "perfect couple" everyone wanted to be. But it wasn't that simple. I was actually popular back at my other school, before moving. Me and Mark dated for a couple years. Without everyone else secretly knowing we weren't that perfect couple.

"Babygirl.." Mark had said.

I don't think Ethan and Grayson know what's happened between Mark and I . But it would make sense they knew him.

"what do you what..Mark?" i asked. But with angry into my words.

"Oh..i want you. I want you back." he said. Disgusting, i'd rather die.

"no way, am i ever going to back to you." i had said firmly. I looked back up. I looked at all of their faces. Ethan and Grayson's face. They seem confused. What's happening. How does she know them. Well i guess i was right they didn't and don't know anything between Mark and I.

"You better not tell them anything," he smirked and lifted my chin up with his index finger.

I spit in his face in reply.

"Oh..you think it's funny, huh?" he said wiping my spit off his face, "looks like someone's getting a punishment." he smirked.

Shit..i shouldn't have done that. But he deserved it. Wait no he didn't thats not even CLOSE TO WHAT HE DESERVES.

I get interrupted by Mark grabbing me and dragging me to a room. I looked back at the twins. They had worry on their face. They have no idea what they've gotten themselves into.

*Grayson's P.O .V*

i see Caleigh get dragged away by Mark. Mark and I used to be best friends along with Ethan. He's changed a lot, since from when we were younger. But it seems weird. Like Caleigh and Him know each other. All i can think of is Caleigh. "saying i'm never going back to you" and Mark saying "you better not tell them" those words keep repeating in my head. what happened? I looked at Ethan and gave him a 'somethings wrong look' . Ethan gave me a 'i know exactly what you were thinking' . Twin telepathy? How could i know. (i just did the "twin telepathy" because. didn't wanna do Ethan's Pov, lol i'm tired and lazy it's 1:48am)

*cal pov *

He threw me on the bed. Hand cuffed my wrists to the back board of the bed. And then tied my ankles to the end of the bed. Shit..this isn't gonna turn out well. I knew it from the start.

He ripped off my clothes, i was left in a bra and underwear. I was so scared. He started unzipping his pants. Eventually he was inside me. It felt like, he was tearing my inside apart. (in a bad way, not sexual) .

I really didn't give a fuck anymore. It's like been there done that. Life is life , you know? Life goes on..what can you do? They say things happen for a reason. Why am i getting raped then? what that reason. GIVE ME A GOOD REASON WHY BAD THINGS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME.

I didn't scream, i didn't towel anything. I felt numb. I've always wondered what this would feel like. Not being raped, but feeling numb.

I kinda feel like i was life less. I had no feelings or feeling. Back when Mark used to do this. He would tell me not to tell anyone or make it obvious or suspicious that anything happened. I've gotten pretty good at it. Well if he lets me go after this then. Who knows? Maybe i'll die? Maybe The twins won't care for me? Think i'm a slut? Huh? Who knows? It's not like i'll be use to it right? I've had worse things happen to me? What could be worse than anything i've been through?


If you have anything going on, feel free to text me or anything.

This content is not meant to offend anyone. It is of course so horrible that anyone has to go through this. I hope all of you are well, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

What happened to Caleigh?
What are Grayson and Ethan doing?
Why do you think Mark came back?
How did he meet Grayson and Ethan? Why is he doing this?

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