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(play and read^) ahah the name of the song is the same as the title lol .. uh hmm..sorry carry on

*present: Saturday* - 02/10/18 - 8:24am

I woke up, i was in my bedroom. Weird..i was getting beaten up and now i'm in my room. I tried getting up, i yelled in pain . I walked over to the bathroom, I closed then locked the door. I lifted up my bloody shirt that i was still wearing from yesterday. I saw all these purple, blue, green, yellow, and also almost black bruises all over my body. I gently touched one and winched in pain. I knew that these were going to be here for a while.

I open the door and head downstairs, i hear something or someone in the kitchen hoping it's not my dad. But it was, he came up to my face and yelled


"I was s-staying after school to get some w-work done," i lied.

He punched my face, causing it to throb. He continued kicking me in my stomach. It hurt like HELL because of the bruises i already have. I screamed in pain. He then started take off his belt. I got up as quickly as i could with the sharp pain in my side. I managed to go for the front door and open it . But then he pulled me back in and started to hit me and continue punching and kicking me.

*Ethan's P.O.V* - His House

I was going back upstairs from getting a snack from the kitchen, as i was headed up stairs i heard screaming. Screaming of someone in pain and scared. I looked over at the house across the street. I see a girl getting pulled by i think her dad and then her dad started to hit her with a belt and punch and kick her. I look closer. It was..caleigh . I started to freak out, i never knew she got abused by her dad. I felt so bad about me abusing her . But i didn't feel bad for her at the same time. Cause maybe all of this beating would help her lose some weight. i smirked and continued what i was doing.

*Caleigh's P.O.V* - Her House

All of a sudden he stopped hitting me. He walked out of the kitchen and headed for the bathroom. Washing his hands , washing off MY blood. He said he had to go to work. I was relieved but i knew this wasn't the end. I decided to run up to my bathroom. I clumsily went through all my stuff and i finally found a blade .


I grabbed the blade and placed it on my wrist, i roughly cut 6 cuts .

1) for my dad
2)for my bullies
3) for being ugly
4) for being fat
5)no one loves me
6) for my mom

I washed off my wrist, winching at the pain as i watched the water run on my arm into my cuts. I decided to take a shower to get ALL the blood off my body. I felt disgusting and dirty, even though i was already. I stepped into the shower. I felt the warm water run over my neck and body. After taking a shower i decided to go lay in bed and take a nap.

*Ethan's P.O.V*

i decided to sneak into Caleighs room. I heard the shower running, so i thought it was a good time. I went upstairs and found her bedroom. As i was walking in i heard , the shower turn off. I ran to the dark corner in her room and went on my phone as i waited. I heard the door lock rattle and put my phone away quickly. As she walked out, she look straight at me. I could see in her eyes that she was scared. I didn't want to see her scared. I know that i bullied her badly. I just can't stop, some about her makes me disgusted.  I looked scanned her body too to bottom and my eyes immediately saw the cuts on her wrists and her legs. I saw all the scars. I looked up at her eyes, still the same scared emotions. I felt bad, but not really.

*Caleigh's P.O.V*

I come out and i see a shadow in the corner, i got scared. I froze and couldn't move. They walked forward and it was Ethan. I freaked out even more. I looked at his eyes, filled with sorrow and worry. I saw him scanning my body then he stopped looking at my wrist. SHIT! i totally forgot i was wearing shorts and a tank top. My body was exposed, i was scared, more scared than ever. Ethan Dolan, my bully was in my room. Staring at me. He could attack me any moment. Even if he did, i wouldn't be able to move , i was frozen and shocked. Paralyzed.

I hope you are enjoying this ! i know it's a bit over done but i think it's okay. Well my writing is average lol :) but should i write some more later ?
And yes i will add the others in soon

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