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*Caleigh's P.O.V* Next day at school

I was walking into the school. I got shoved into the wall. I looked up and it was Ethan. My eyes started to water. And i got up.

"WHY CAN'T YOU HURT ME ANYMORE THAN YOU HAVE ETHAN?!?!" i yelled. I looked at his face. He just looked shocked.

I continued walking to my locker. I opened my locker and there was a note. I opened it and it said "Slut". I slammed my locker shut and quickly walked to the bathroom. I saw my groups of friends. Alex,Grayson,Diego and Cameron. but Ethan wasn't there, i looked around and saw he was with a girl. She looked familiar, Brunette hair. It was the girl from that night.

"CALEIGH!" Alex yelled. I ignored him.

I finally got to the bathroom. I sat in the corner and cried. I heard the door open i quickly got up and tried leaving. But the girl in the Black hoodie stopped me.

"Not yet Slut," she said.

She lifted her leg to kick me, but i quickly grabbed it and yanked it and threw her towards the wall. Then i walked out. It felt weird, i had strength all of a sudden.

*skips to after school*

I immediately walk out of school and start to walk home. I got home and my dad was sitting on the couch.

"Hey sweetie, how was school?" he asked.

"u-um it was good." I said. Weird he's not trying to hit me. I was actually relieved but i shouldn't get high hopes yet. That's for sure.

"There's some pizza in the kitchen if you're hungry." dad said. I nodded and headed up to my room.

I opened my door and saw someone. Or people.

"The FUCK!" i yelled. Grayson was fucking a girl in MY bedroom. on MY bed.

My dad came upstairs. He bashed into my room threw Grayson off the girl.

"You Both get OUT OF MY HOUSE!" my dad yelled.

I got scared, flashbacks. I looked at him in fear. I looked at Grayson he was looking at me. He could tell that i was scared. But he was just gonna be a Bitch and push me on the way out of my room. WHAT AN ASS.

I pulled off my sheets and threw them in the washer. FUCKING DISGUSTING. i grabbed fresh sheets from the closet. I fixed my bed and then sat down at my desk. I had to do homework for History. Ms. Bards was making us do a 3 page essay about The Romanians. God i hate school.

*Grayson's P.O.V"

i headed over to "my house" which was actually Caleigh's to smash some girl. I wanted to make Caleigh jealous. But instead i made her fell the opposite. I'm pretty sure she's mad and she hates me right now. But i'm going to make it up to her because she was my best friend. And i feel bad. Well i dumped the girl anyways. I left her. All she wanted was sex. It was really disgusting. Her Pu$$y was all worn out. She must get laid like every second of the day. But i had to do it. I really feel bad for doing it . Also, Caleigh's dad changed. He seemed nicer, he didn't punch me or anything. I hope Cal is okay with her dad. But i could tell she's still kinda scared.

*Caleigh's P.O.V*

I woke up in my desk. I fell asleep doing homework i guess? I looked at the clock, oh shiz nuggets it's 8:37am school already started. I quickly showered. Fastest shower i've ever taken. It was 8:42am after. Then i brushed my teeth did my hair. No makeup cause i'm nAtUrAl.

I went downstairs grabbed an apple and quickly went outside. This is now the time where i regret not having a car. So i have to walk. But i saw grayson. In my Drive way. With his car.

"GET IN," he yelled from the inside. i shook my head.

"I SAID GET IN!" he yelled more furious.

I quickly got in the back. Cause i didn't want to sit next to him.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice," he said. I just nodded my head. i was scared. "look Caleigh, i'm sorry for what i did yesterday. I just wanted to make you feel jealous. Because i actually like you. but i know you will never feel the same. I really regret what i did, and i'm so so so sorry for it. Please Caleigh i'm begging you! Don't be mad, i want to make it up to you.." Grayson had said.

I just nodded. I was to shocked to say anything. Too scared and nervous.

He stopped the car and looked at me.

"We're here," he said.

I quickly got out and walked into school. The bell just rang. I was so close to being late. I saw Alex, Diego and Cameron walking so i ran over to them. We all had the same class so I told them everything. They all were looking at me with their mouths opened.

"What?!?" i said.

They all came back to the earth. I think they may have lost some sense.

"Sorry," they said at the same time. I laughed and then they started to laugh too.

*School over*

"Omg yea i remember!" Alex said. We laughed.

"Hey are any of u guys busy?" i asked.

"No," they replied.

"Okay, be at my house at 5, brings clothes we're having a movie night, just the 4 of us." i smiled.

"Okay, bestie." Cameron says in a girl voice.

"Sleep over!!" Diego mimics a girl voice too. I gently slap them both on the chest and walked home.

*at home*

"hey dad!" i said. " Alex, Cameron and Diego are coming over at 5 for a movie night. They're also sleeping over too"

"Okay, i get some snacks and drinks right now at the store. I'm working later tonight so don't be naughty!" my dad said. I nodded and hugged him.

"what about ethan and grayson?" my dad asked.

"Well, we're not really friends at the moment with them. I kinda got into a fight with Ethan and you already know about Grayson." i replied. My dad nodded.

For once i actually felt happy. I haven't felt happy in a while. It felt good. Nothing could ruin it. I couldn't wait for my best friends to come. We will have the best time ever. We will all have fun and enjoy hanging out with each other. We haven't had one of these days in a while too.

Hope you're enjoying the story!

word count - 1119 words!

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