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(play the song^ ..to get a the vibe ig) continue reading

*Alex P.O.V*

We decided to drive to the nearest park. She wasn't there. The beach, she wasn't there. We searched every where but we couldn't find her. I, i mean we were started getting really worried about her. wait i remembered that we had this secret hid out when we were little kids. it was by the beach in a cave, leading to the top of a mountain you could see. We haven't searched there yet.

"CAM!" i yelled. but i didn't mean to yell that loud.

"jesus, don't yell what ?" he replied.

"The cave," i said. He nodded and turned around heading for the beach again.

only Cam, Caleigh and me knew about it. No one else. That's why we decided only we will go there, we won't call anyone else to come help search. It was OUR place to get away. We headed into the cave to find Caleigh. I really hope she's okay.

*Caleigh's P.O.V*

I sit at the top of the mountain. I'm spilling out all my thoughts. Watching the sunset. This was our place. Our secret place, for letting go. It wasn't scary, even though i was sitting on the edge of a cliff. This place was a mountain and at the very bottom was nothing. i couldn't see it went too far down. I didn't even know if there was any water or a river down there. But i'll save finding out later.

*my thoughts spilling out*

He doesn't love me. Not like he ever did. If he did he doesn't anymore. No probably never did. He couldn't like someone like me. I'm not pretty, i'm ugly. I'm not perfect. I'm fat. I'm everything far from perfect. He the perfect one. He's the one that doesn't deserve me. He deserves better. He a fuckboy. I should leave him. Ask my aunt if I could live with her. Maybe i'll be better off with her. Away from people. Alone. I will miss Alex and Cam. They're my best friends.

I just now realized i was saying my thoughts out loud. I also just realized, i'm crying. I'm quietly sobbing, carrying pain with them. Falling into the deep pits of the bottom. I try to stand but my legs are too weak so i continue sitting.

*Alex P.O.V*

My and Cameron took different ways, just in case she took a different path. As i was walking I heard someone crying. I keep walking to the crying, it's getting louder. I'm close.

I see someone sitting on the cliff. Sitting very close to the edge. I ran up to her so she wouldn't fall. She was crying. I looked at her but i couldn't see her face. Why would she be here? Only Cameron, Caleigh and I know about this place. Wait..

"CALEIGH!?" i yelled worried. She looked at me.

"Omg, shh..it's okay," i comforted her. She now started sobbing into my chest. I pulled her closer, and held her tighter.

"Cal..it's okay," i hugged her. I hugged her tighter and tighter, but to the point where we can still breathe and it was comfortable.


*Caleigh's P.O.V*

I felt safe, in his arms. He was hugging me, knowing that i was crying. Knowing why i was. I no longer felt scared.

***skip to at home*** (still the same day)

It was now 4:21am in the morning. It was pretty late..or early. I was really tired but couldn't sleep.

"Get some rest," Alex said placing me on my bed. Him and Cameron were still staying the night.

"Alex..can you stay with me please?" i asked quietly. He didn't reply..all i felt was someone, getting into my bed. I knew it was Alex. My back was faced him. So i turned around. And got closer to him. I buried my head into his chest and i could feel him put his arm around me and pull me closer.

"Goodnight Alex," i whispered.

"Goodnight Cal," he said and kissed my forehead.

I might be falling for him.

I took a break, i have some ideas. So hopefully i'll keep writing some more.

I have so many ideas for the book. I just don't know how to write them down.

Is she falling for Alex?
Or is Alex falling for her?
What about Cameron?

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