15 1 4

(aha don't mind the song, just play it and read :)

*Caleigh's P.O.V*

"wake up," Alex whispered.

I instantly shot my eyes open and gathered all my things and headed out with the others.

*skip to the hotel*

Me and Ethan are sharing a room and Grayson and Alex are share the other one. Then Diego and Cameron share the 3rd one. Our rooms were connected by a door. It was pretty cool, but kinda scary too.

"woah," we all say at the same time.

The rooms were really big and fancy. Very luxurious. I liked it. I neatly unpacked my things and jumped onto the bed. They bed has silk bedding. I placed my hand onto the bedding and it was super super soft and comfy. I couldn't wait to sleep tonight. With that said i decided to take a little nap.

Someone tapped my shoulder, i shot my head up and it was Cameron.

" Everyone is waiting downstairs we're going to the beach." Cameron said. "I stayed up here cause i took a shower and still had to get ready," .

I immediately got out of bed and grabbed a sexy red,2 piece. I sprayed my body with sunscreen, don't want to get sister burned. After that i ran downstairs. They all looked at me with a smirk on their faces. I rolled my eyes in disgust and walked towards the beach. The beach was only across the street. I felt someone grab my hand. I looked back and it was ethan. We intertwined our fingers and continued to walk. I love him so much.

We finally got to the beach. i was so excited to get in the water. As soon as we got our things all settled, i ran into the water. The water was actually not that cold. It was the perfect temperature. I was playing in the water when i felt something grab my leg. I got dragged under water then i came out of the water in the arms of an amazing human being.

"Surprise?" Ethan said. I just kissed him. I didn't every want to stop kissing him. Every time we kiss, i get butterflies. And sparks light up my whole body. It was like heaven, it couldn't be real. Then all of a sudden i got this weird pain in my chest. I gasped in need of air, even though i couldn't breath. I coughed for a couple of seconds then i was back to normal. Me and E continued playing in the water. Then the rest of the boys came in. We all played, splashed each other. Played frisbee, football. And we even went surfing, i've never surfed before. But my Aunt once told me that my Grandfather use to Surf a lot when he was young. She said he even went to some competitions. I thought of it as trying something new. I mean YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE RIGHT???

"Today was SOO fun!" Diego yelled.

"It sure was," Cameron replied.

I thought in my head, maybe this trip won't be so bad after all? I went to take a shower, as i was taking a shower i felt arms wrap around my waist. I jumped and instantly covered my body. It was only Ethan. *Phew* .

"It's okay, it's only me." Ethan said.

I removed my arms from my body and went back to washing my hair. I turned around Ethan was still in here. I kissed him. He pulled his body closer to me.

So um this might get, SOMEWHAT SEXUAL. I don't want to write this but sooner or later i'm gonna have to ..

His kiss was hot. I felt like melting. He was just perfect. This time i didn't get butterflies. Instead I got a craving. A craving for Him. I wanted him now. I wanted him so badly. My thoughts were interrupted by Ethan. He pushed me against the wall. The kiss was still going. His lips still smashed against mine. He grabs my waist pulling me closer to him. I felt something against my ...I looked down. He had a boner. Damn, i made Ethan hard i guess. I looked back at him. He blushed and look embarrassed.

"I can help?" I asked.

"No it's really okay," Ethan replied.

I ignored him. He seemed to notice. I think he was secretly glad i offered.

"You don't have to," He said. But i shook my head. Meaning that i wanted to help him. I craved him.

I then pulled me close to his body. At the same time slid his goods in . I let out a moan. He was pushing me against the wall. Hard position i guess? He started to get sloppier and his thrusts got faster. By then I was a moaning mess.

"E-Ethan," I moaned.

"Call me Daddy," He said (help skjsk)

"I'm going to cum," I moaned . ( Ahhh holy water i need)

"Hold it babygirl," he said .

When we both reached our highs. He put me back down. I forgot that we were still in the shower. Ethan looked at me.

"I won't be able to resist you," He said seductively. I just smirked. I hopped out of the shower leaving him i'm in there.

I went to the bed and went on my phone. When i got a text.

Okay i'm dead i can't anymore. I need holy water please.

I guess..i hope u guys liked this Chapter :)

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