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so, i have like a lot of time for writing so i might post like everyday a lot cause my life is boring and i don't ever do anything.

*Present* - Caleigh's P.O.V - Her House

* Caleigh P.O.V *

I still stood there looking at him. He was walking towards me, i complete froze. He was getting closer. He was only 5 inches away from me , he went to touch my wrist where my fresh cuts were. I flinched and pulled away. He came closer to me.

"Don't worry, i'm not going to hurt you." he whispered into my ear.

He wrapped his arms around me . In that moment I felt safe and warm and loved. But part of me wanted to pull away. I was scared. *in my head*
No Caleigh you're going to get hurt. you're going to get hurt. No.No.Dont Catch Feelings. He's going to Hurt you.

I backed away from Ethan. He looked at me with a confused face.

"I'm sorry, i can't. I'm going to get hurt." i said running into the bathroom leaving Ethan outside. I grabbed some sleeping pills, i grabbed 5 and downed them with any water. i passed out.

*Ethan's P.O.V*

She started running into the bathroom. I stood there. Didn't move a muscle. I heard crying from the bathroom. I tried to listen to her, then the crying stopping. I tried to get in but it was locked. I got worried, maybe i shouldn't have hugged her. Maybe i shouldn't have done that, or maybe i should have?

*Grayson's P.O.V*

I was just fucking this girl. When i got a phone call from Ethan. She's a Junior in college. She said i was good, well i mean who would say i'm not? (oml welp). He said that Caleigh was unconscious and to meet him at the hospital. I hopped in my car and drove there. I wonder what happened. I mean i don't feel bad for her not right now, cause she deserves it. I arrive to the hospital, i ask what room she's in .

"Room 149" the nurse said.

"Thank you" i replied smiling.

I walked up to the room and see Ethan next to Caleigh on the bed through the window. I knock and come in. Ethan was sad, i saw in his eyes. I've never seen him this way before.He must really feel bad. But we have to keep our reputation and our money up. I walk over to the bed and ask Ethan if i could be with her alone. He nodded his head. I went on with

"I know you probably don't like me, and very sorry for everything that i've done. It's just that i'm being forced to do it. Ethan and I have to. I want you to stay strong. And please i have to keep up my reputation. Also, i've always been waiting to tell you this but, i'm afraid to.

*Caleigh's P.O.V* -Hospital ?

I opened my eyes, i was in a dark room. I couldn't see anything, or anyone. Then i hear someone's voice.

"I know you probably don't like me, and very sorry for everything that i've done." ..it was familiar. He just went on about how he was forced to do something. He was telling me how sorry he was for bullying me. And there that's when i knew it was Grayson. I could feel my heart pounding. It was like i was going to have a heart attack. I hear this beeping sound then i complete pass out or i think i do.

*Grayson's P.O.V*

As i was talking to Caleigh even though she most likely couldn't hear me. She was unconscious, or maybe she could ? But in the middle of when i was talking about my secret i have, her monitor starts to beep more often. Maybe she can hear me ? I continue talking and then all of a sudden her heart stops. I yelled for a nurse to come.

" Set to 200," a nurse said.

"Set," the other said.

They shocked Caleigh but nothing happened.

*Caleigh's P.O.V*

i felt this weird tingle in my chest but i ignored it. I was talking to my friend at a local café  back in France. I wonder how i got here, but that didn't matter cause it was just so gorgeous. I keep getting a weird sensation in my chest, but i just kept ignoring it. Then i black out again, then i see a light..i start walking towards then i hear a voice.. saying not to go towards it.

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