Our world

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"Sire, you can now see her." The nurse told him. Not wasting any time, he walked inside. Leaving your parents behind.

"She is in her labor." The nurse softly talked. He nodded and held your hand. You are sleeping.

"Is it fine that she is sleeping? Did you injected her for her to sleep?" He said while looking at you. The nurse shook her head and smiled.

"She slept by herself." Taehyung nodded and the nurse left after a bow. Taehyung looked at you and kissed your hand.

"I'm here." He whispered. It is more fine that you are sleeping compared to the whining you who wont stop complaining about how painful it is.

"I love you." He kissed your lips. Not so soon you hissed.

He shifted his gaze from your face to your moving hand. Your hand went to caress your bump.

He gripped your hand, letting you know that he is always here for you. You slowly opened your eyes.

"Tae- ahhh!"

"Shushhhh." He caressed your hand. you hissed in pain.

Never in your life you felt this hurt. INTERNALLY. You closed your eyes thinking about your baby boy.

You started to grow confused on how he will look like. You smiled thinking about him.

You mumbled silent, "I can do this." to yourself. Encouraging yourself.

"Y/n, this is it." He smiled with so much glee.

You looked at him and smiled too. There is nothing more you can't do for this child.

For this man in front of you. You will face this with your strong self and with this man beside you, you can face everything, together.


"Push." the Ob-gyn said as she helped you with your child.

You pushed with all your might as you held Taehyung's hand more, gripping his hand, squishing it.

Letting him know this feeling is so painful. He never stopped encouraging you.

"One last push Y/n you can do this. Push!" You pushed one last time.

Not so soon, you heard a loud cry filling the room. You breathed and closed your eyes instantly drifting to sleep as you obviously grew tired.

Taehyung felt his heart beat nonstop. He can't feel the happiness inside him as he feel it over flowed.

He is crying the whole time without even being aware of it. The Doctor held the baby and smiled as she saw the beautiful creation of you both.

"It's a boy!" She shouted.

The Doctor carefully cut the thing that is still connecting to the both of you.

The nurses went to the baby and quickly but gently washed him. The baby soon stopped crying.

Taehyung can't move to his place. He can't let your hand go, not believing it's all happening right in front of his eyes.

The joy is so overwhelming. Not so soon the angel is wrapped securely in the nurse's arms as she happily walked to the startled man.

"Would you like to hold him?" She asked and without any hesitation, he nodded and walked to the nurse.

He can't take his gaze off of the baby. He is so precious. He is such an angel. The baby is awake.

He smiled as soon as he gently landed on father's arms. Taehyung can't help his tears as it lands on the towel that is keeping the baby from being bare.

The baby looked so fragile. He can't help but to think how this beautiful creation is his.... His smile never left his face.

The baby's soft and little hand touched his father cheek. He closed his eyes feeling the euphoria, he's in cloud nine.

The baby smiled once again. He kissed his forehead.

"Yoo Joon, we will call you Kim Yoo Joon." He smiled.

He played with him. He started talking to his child. Happiness never leave his face.

"T-Tae?" You softly said making Taehyung stop and quickly stood up and walked up to you with a ball of joy in his arms.

"Y/n... our child." He said and gently showed you Yoo Joon.

You smiled instantly crying as you get the baby from him in the most gentle way you could be.

"Baby.. I love you." You cried and kissed his forehead.

The baby smiled in your arms making you feel the most happiest person living and breathing.

Taehyung can't help but to feel fluttered as he looked at the most beautiful scenery in front him.

His lovely girl holding his lovely boy. You wanted to squish him due to his overload cuteness, but you can't because this little boy is as fragile as a sweet feather.

His soft puffed cheeks, the pink lips forming unending smiles, his lips somewhat reminds you of Tae's, his eyes is dark brown, looking at you in the most innocent way in the world, well defined nose he had, he is perfect. He is way perfect, too perfect.

Two Different Worlds ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon